***NEW*** Feel free to add your own Christmas or Holiday insanities in Trackbacks to this post!
1. What ever happened to "good old Saint Nick"?
2. Santa condemned for 'profiling'! And to these guys, he's Satan! Gee, the big guy doesn't get a break either in secular or religious circles! Or from little kids anymore!
3. Yes, this would be a little disturbing for reasons I can't exactly pinpoint. But it gets an award anyway!
4. Some people are easily offended. Some people are wrongly offended. Some people are just plain offensive.
5. Hell yes, baby! Santa has come early! Sort of the anti-Fitzmas.
6. Be afraid; be very afraid. (hat tip:Perrero). He's very scary. And he's coming to town!
7. A...creative...Christmas lights display. And a blog devoted to the beauty-impaired displays. Didn't I say once there was a blog for everything?
8. The true Christmas spirit ?
9. Peace and Harmony. Goodwill toward men.
10. Lost in translation? And it doesn't translate into Hebrew, either!
11. Santa Clauses are coming to town. Forty of them! Don't forget, Virginia, Santa is a magical and cuddly man, not a fat, smelly slob!
12. A guide to dealing with family during Christmas. Very useful, sort of.
13. This should really help with jobs in the Christmas tourist industry there.
14. I learned a new word -- YOB !
15. A very merry un-Christmas to them (couldn't happen to a nicer, more patriotic bunch).
16. Disturbing Secrets. He sees you when you're sleeping.
16. Merry Christmas, President Bush. (Heh. Think of it as a lump of coal for the Democrats)
16. Sleep in heavenly peace. And thank you for your sacrifice.
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