Wednesday, February 15, 2006


It is clear that the Democrats simply don't know what to think about the NSA program. This is not surprising, since they don't know what to think about most national security issues (sorry, that was a low blow--however true). I found this summation of their position (hat tip: AJStrata) to be particularly apt:
In short, the current Democratic position on the tapping of international terrorist phone calls can be summed up this way: “The NSA surveillance program is crucial to national security and should be continued. We support it. It is also illegal and a threat to civil liberties. We oppose it and, of course, George Bush must be held accountable for his illegal actions.” This is not a national security policy that makes sense, or a national political party that can be taken seriously. It is clearly an absurd position.

Have you ever noticed how the Democrats particularly don't know what to think when the polls are against them on a particular issue? When they believe the polls support them, they come out dripping with principle; they become "troubled" that the right thing is not being done. They tremble with conviction as they mouth the typical self-righteous platitudes we've all come to expect and enjoy.

However, when the polls aren't supportive, or they swing the other way; it's amazing how quickly their principled positions vanish in a puff of smoke.

Is this behavior simply a result of the malignant narcissism evidenced by their leadership? Or are they all so contemptuous of the American public, that they implicitly believe noone will notice their wild gyrations and endlessly roving (no pun intended) opportunism?

Some might defend the Democrats by saying this is how a political party who is out of power always behaves; i.e., "politics as usual". However, it seems to me that their behavior in the last couple of years goes way beyond such mundane considerations.

This is actually how a political party that is totally desperate --because it believes it may never again achieve power--behaves.

And they may be exactly right about that.

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