Monday, March 02, 2009


No, he didn't invent dishonesty in political discourse, but he certainly has a real talent for it:
Barack Obama just added double-dealing to his foreign policy repertoire. On Friday, administration officials led many Jewish leaders to believe that the president had decided to boycott the United Nation's "anti-racism" conference known as Durban II. At the same time, however, human rights organizations were being led to believe that the administration was not pulling out and was looking for a way to "re-engage."

Obama seems to want to have it both ways on everything and is talking out of both sides of his mouth both on national and foregn policy. It increasingly obvious that he is more interested in appearing to do the right thing, than actually doing the right thing.

I'm really beginning to dislike this guy.

He's disingenuous, manipulative, and rhetorically duplicitous. The amount of damage to this country that this destructive con man could do in 4 years is incalculable. Look at what he's done in a mere six weeks....If the sickening adoration continues at the same accelerated pace it has reached since the inauguration, soon Darth Obama will declare himself Emperor of the known universe.

"So this is how liberty thunderous applause." - Star Wars, Episode III

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