Send all entries for next week's carnival to Dr. Sanity by 8 pm ET on Saturday for Sunday's Carnival. Only one post entry weekly per blogger, please. And you might read this before submitting an entry
**NOTE: I am now getting many more submissions than I can possibly include in the weekly Carnival. Please don't be offended if your submission is not used (oh, okay, be as offended as you like) as it only means that for a variety of reasons I wasn't able to fit it into the "flow" as I put together each Carnival.
1. What makes shrinks laugh ...we can also laugh at great moments in hypocrisy.
2. Building a religion? Your own personal Jesus.

3. Is Barack left or Wright...or justand example of postmodern rhetoric at its finest? Grandma's, watch out for those grandsons!
4. The Trinity tap-dance. You can do it to this great Album! Or watch the Fox show..... What did he know and when did he know it? I didn't know he starred in
5. Soaring rhetoric is not her thing. Big Question: was it more condescending to black people, white people or Americans in general? Nevermind, here's stuff 'typical' white people like. The inequality is undeniable.
6. Oh the humanity! But at least its egalatarian horror.... LOLOL!

7. Osama Bin Laden, call your office! Yarmulke yahoos. Just another form of Holocaust denial.
8. This sounds like a plan. Return with us now to those thrilling days of ...today! Survive a 'silly' emergency and listen to the Ministry of Silly Sharia Laws.
9. John Kerry, nuanced foreign policy analyst.
10. Another catastrophic consequence of global warming! Hey, it could happen. Frankly, I'll never tire of making fun of Al Gore, nobel laureate and inventor of both the internet and global warming.

12. If you ignore the threats of terrorism and the glorious communist air quality, China's Olympic games promise to be really a lot of fun. either way, Beijing makes its point....
13. An appropriate ode to Eliot Spitzer! Now somebody needs to write one for the Tehran Chief of [Religious] Police! The Supremes have issued their ruling.
14. Do you Love economic advice ? Because, because if you do, reality bites.
15. Keep Christ in Christmas, but take Him out of Easter? Maybe this cathedral is why....at the National Cathedral, no less!
16. A Peep Show and then a Peeps show...
Happy Easter Everyone!
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
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