Send all entries for next week's carnival to Dr. Sanity by 8 pm ET on Saturday for Sunday's Carnival. Only one post entry weekly per blogger, please. Thanks for all the submissions. I try to use as many as possible! SO MANY INSANITIES! SO LITTLE TIME!!!
1. RX: Take these two music videos, and call me in the morning. They're both really infectious in a good way.
2. What an amazing coincidence! Mary McCarthy looks just like Scooter Libby in this AP Photo! Speaking of the MSM, here's a headline that was on the front-page in red, all-capital letters. No attribution. Just stated as fact. But they regret it, so it's ok. Why ask why? If it doesn't advance the cause of the left, it isn't likely to make headlines.
3. A new meaning for the phrase "stiff competition"! Why do smart companies make dumb decisions?
4. It's like yo Zarks where u at?
5. Faculty politics with the addition of AK-47s and IEDs? Uh oh.
6. Apparently Allah will be upset if jail toilets face Mecca. There's just no pleasing some gods.
7. Be wary of door-to-door doctors... Be wary of these terms
8. It's all Bush's fault! But on the other hand, 50,000 innocent Americans died under Clinton! Where's the outrage?
9. This is all caused by gas? Interesting. This is all caused by foam (and its in my old stomping ground at Ellington Field in the Clear Lake area of Houston)
10. All good economic news is really bad, you see.
11. Communist chic. PC insanity. A peek at the future.
12. Meet the new Press Secretary -- Mr. Stick Figure ! Or, maybe it's this guy ! And, while I'm doing introductions, prepare to welcome your new overlord.
13. No question about it--boys are EVIL ! It's their emotional wiring, I guess. Girls are perfect, I guess. And in this case, the emotional wiring is apparently even better than perfect -- those evil heteronormatives....
14. Which is worse: Tornados ? or Ninjas in the heartland ?
16. Generals who oppose Rumsfeld... And here is the only conclusion that can be logically drawn from the latest words out of the mouth Iran's deranged president. Meanwhile, here's a start on the PC list of saints and sinners in the world.
17. The world's unsexiest man? I think I'd go with John Kerry. At least the duck is funny. Kerry is also bad for your brain.
18. Politics is religion. And that kind of religion is good; but religion religion is bad. Does that answer your question? If you're confused, the subject of this report is always good for a laugh.
19. Do you just love America like he does? Or, like she does?
20. How could we forget this tragic anniversary?
21. Nathan Hale Mary Pass? Football rivalries , spys and a great pun.
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