Send all entries for next week's carnival to Dr. Sanity by 8 pm ET on Saturday for Sunday's Carnival. Only one post entry weekly per blogger, please. Thanks for all the submissions. I try to use as many as possible! SO MANY INSANITIES! SO LITTLE TIME!
1. Dangerous American values.... At least someone is glad they live here!
2. Borders says: if you want us to take your protests seriously, you must use the threat of violence--otherwise we'll pick on you. I think their attitude has something to do with this (call it "Google Appeasement Syndrome" or GAS). Is it "High Noon"? Some other thoughts on keeping our Borders safe.
3. Six degrees of irritation or simply insane?
4. 2006 DisHonor Awards! Seeing them all at once is humbling.
5. She's heading towards geekdom!
6. Galileo was wrong? And what's a "geocentric" writer, anyway?
7. Another round-up of insanities !
8. Unreported findings from the Berkeley "Whining" Study. And this analysis shows that humans are unable to manipulate God.
9. The end of history was fantasy, too. Not that it has hurt his career or anything.
10. "The extraordinary contibution of Islam over many centuries to learning, literature, art and science across the world." This is a joke, right? Or was the award given in the 10th century? Or posthumously?
11. Compare the reception of local government for these rallies to this one. I guess there are some limits to tolerance, huh? On the other hand, overreaction?
12. Would you like to be comforted by a secular Jesus? Less offensive, obviously! A surprising source of converts to Christianity--it serves them right.
13. Too bad you can't sell idiot mayors and other politicians on ebay.
14. The Pillage People and their neo-fascist jazz....
15. The new civil rights issue: felon disenfranchisement. Now they are uniting against evil Republicans!
16. A talented pet. A vision-impaired pet? A miraculous pet?
18. Blogs with examples of: Paranoia? Narcissism? Hysteria? Delusionsl? Cognitive dissonance? And, Still crazy after all these years.
19. BFOQ's and Hooters!
20. "Noone should go around deleting themselves" is good advice. It's an existential no-no.
21. Dems are gonna gitcha! But this is not exactly what they had in mind! Not playing with a full deck?
22. Protect the homeland from raging grannies!
23. Porn Studies 101 . Profanity 101. While we're on the subject: A sign, but not a finger. Judge for yourself. He gave them five fingers!
24. Dihydrogen monoxide - the most deadly substance known to man.
25. Sick of sex? Or just confused?
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