Just to let everyone know, I expect to be back blogging at the end of the summer, probably shortly after Labor Day--if all goes well. I am working on a book and several other projects and frankly not much missing blogging about the insanity of this election campaign. I intend to continue posting the Carnival of the Insanities every Sunday, and limit my commentary to the sarcasm there.
Thanks for being patient.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008

DURING MY BLOGGING HIATUS, I WILL CONTINUE TO POST THE CARNIVAL EVERY SUNDAY! So keep those entries coming in, and try to get them to me by Saturday. If you have questions, go here before submitting an entry. You can also submit an entry via Blog Carnival.
Try to make it funny, ironic, or clearly insane, people...I get a lot of "self-help" stuff that doesn't seem particularly funny or even ironic to me--and, if it doesn't seem that way to me, then its likely it won't be included-- unless it just happens to fit in with one of the COTI themes for the week.
Also, a link back to the Carnival if your submitted post is included would be appreciated...and some extremely harsh penalties await those who do not comply with this simple and reasonable request!
1. You have to admit, this is very progressive of Al Qaeda. Not as many negative consequences as this progressive policy, though. Listen to the Jihadist Safety Consultant!
2. Can you believe your eyes? Apparently not. Faking a catch has nowhere near the repercussions of Faking a killing. Miraculous cure? Antisemitism runs deep....pictures are worth thousands of words.
3. History is repeating itsef...in academia...and in the MSM. The Times it ain't a-changin'.
4. Islamophobia? Just the same old strategy to oppress freedom of speech. But they can't win unless we let them. Meanwhile, do Canadians hate free speech? ...Not as much as the UN. I have to admit, this just makes me want to say negative things about Islam for the hell of it :-)
5. Hizbullahburger. But would they meet criteria under Democratic sharia law? Sex and the single girl-child. A Muslim revival--or just more identity politics?
6. Go ahead...ki$$ his a$$. That's the reality of today's political relationships.
7. The incredible shrinking coverage... Liars' Roundup.
8. It's a dog's world! Some say it's really Justice Kennedy's world.
9. Fac me cocleario vomere! Fearmongering? Pimp my Greyhound! Faux seal can't deal with the mockery, thrown under bus with others.
10. The Hindu monkey god supports the One. But then it was just a matter of time... Ok, the world is crazier than even I imagined. The phrase 'NASA scientist' is fast becoming an oxymoron.
11. 'Swiftboating' as a premptive device. Just plain nasty.
12. Think of the kittens! This is cozy.
13. Taking s**t from liberals and cleaning it up for years.... And, who will defend freedom then?
14. Is anyone really surprised that some of our elected representatives are deadbeats?
15. This is cute. Gone to Fox News every one... Women dig the evil triad.
16. There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in our philosophies.... like a stringy, multiverse thingy.
17. And there's also more trash noise everywhere you go these days.
18. One of the more creative excuses I've heard.
19. I can't figure out how to end the COTI! Oh wait...here's just a few of the things we can expect when the Great One is President. Oh happy day!
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
If you would like to Join the insanity, and add the Carnival of the Insanities button to your sidebar (clicking on it will always take you to the latest update of the Carnival), click on "Word of Blog" below the button to obtain the html code:
Sunday, June 22, 2008

DURING MY BLOGGING HIATUS, I WILL CONTINUE TO POST THE CARNIVAL EVERY SUNDAY! So keep those entries coming in, and try to get them to me by Saturday. If you have questions, go here before submitting an entry. You can also submit an entry via Blog Carnival.
Try to make it funny, ironic, or clearly insane, people...I get a lot of "self-help" stuff that doesn't seem particularly funny or even ironic to me--and, if it doesn't seem that way to me, then its likely it won't be included-- unless it just happens to fit in with one of the COTI themes for the week.
Also, a link back to the Carnival if your submitted post is included would be appreciated...and some extremely harsh penalties await those who do not comply with this simple and reasonable request!
1. He probably shouldn't start enumerating the benefits of bombing Iran.... All you need to know about the coming Israeli /Iran confrontation...? It makes sense in a weird, wonderful way, though. No sex for Jews? I don't think that will solve the problem...because the problem is with the Hamas password....
2. Truce? We don't have to abide by no stinkin' truce. Ya think?
3. Meanwhile, Britain Foils Plot to Deliver Tasty Recipes, Lively Home Decoration Concepts. Those Brits are something! Anyway, to make a long story short: in a sane world, this reporting would get a Pulitzer Prize. Since we live in a crazy world, it will simply be ignored.
4. Supreme folly? Then there's that American Gulag...my civil rights have been shrinking by the millisecond while the terrorists' rights have grown exponentially. Criminal psychopathic entitlement is a neverending story.
5. If only angels governed men!
6. The Chicago quagmire continues. Obamawan Kenobi to the rescue.
7. Pooh would also fit right in on Presidential Nominee Obama's seal....What they don't show you should tell you all you need to know. Notice on the Messiah's seal that the SHIELD has disappeared? Well, here's the secret to his success.
8. Whitey has no reason to be insulted. In fact, those who disagree must be dealt with appropriately. It all depends on what is true, after all? Right? Hope, Change and Race-Baiting....ahhhhh yes, the New Politics. Let the healing begin!
9. Collective madness. Who runs the Department of Gangsta Rap Promotion?
10. He must be receiving some right wing emails (or reading/downloading some other crAP)...someone alert Bloomberg!
11. Obamachewitz, more like. Sweet and fruity.
12. Now this is a perfect example of why free markets actually work. Why we're happy. And, why we aren't. There will be many unintended economic consequences of gay marriage, I suspect.
13. 'Special rapporteur' is rather grandiose--perhaps he thinks he owns the asylum? And this guy should be one of the inmates, but instead he runs a country. Stay vigilant, netroots! Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get him (and you..bwahahahaha).
14. Personally, I'm hoping for this kind of record voter turnout by Democrats in November.
15. In the beginning... there was Al; and one hopes he won't ever march naked for mother earth.
16. And psychiatrists who keep making up clinical disorders must have a clinical disorder! The judge would probably prefer this be treated this with prozac instead. Talk about judicial folly!
17. Speaking of clinical disorders: this is more like a folie a
18. Lt. First Crass reporting for duty....I think he knows how to give umbrage all right.
19. That would be ecstasy, you and me and Leslie...oh yeah. Ice, ice, baby. Fast food.
20. What's a Gribbles ID? Good news for the bleary-eyed!
21. Those who
22. What was so great about a Mac again?
23. Going analog! Looks like either I started a trend....or everyone's just getting burned out by the endless insanity.
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
If you would like to Join the insanity, and add the Carnival of the Insanities button to your sidebar (clicking on it will always take you to the latest update of the Carnival), click on "Word of Blog" below the button to obtain the html code:
Sunday, June 15, 2008

DURING MY BLOGGING HIATUS, I WILL CONTINUE TO POST THE CARNIVAL EVERY SUNDAY! So keep those entries coming in, and try to get them to me by Saturday. If you have questions, go here before submitting an entry. You can also submit an entry via Blog Carnival.
Try to make it funny, ironic, or clearly insane, people...I get a lot of "self-help" stuff that doesn't seem particularly funny or even ironic to me--and, if it doesn't seem that way to me, then its likely it won't be included-- unless it just happens to fit in with one of the COTI themes for the week.
Also, a link back to the Carnival if your submitted post is included would be appreciated...and some extremely harsh penalties await those who do not comply with this simple and reasonable request!
1. Suffering from Motoon Rage? Perhaps they need to deal with their democratophobia, before we take their complaints about Islamophobia seriously? And maybe they could tone down their desire to make us submit--just a little?
2. Surrender your principles--for your own good, or else! UN Inspector Clousseau to the rescue!
3. They're just preparing the next generation for the glorious future; otoh, they shouldn't object to a little counter-preparation, should they?
4. You expect this sort of thing from the Middle East, but from Canada? Of course, you don't expect it from the US either....
5. Hey, everybody! It's Zionist Lies Week! Isn't that special?
6. Gotta admire the Irish.
7. Sheer insanity. But it ain't just Dems who suffer from this particular symptom.... OTOH, they make it an art form.
8. Why why why do they idolize this guy??? The handwriting is on the wall! Or on the lawn?
9. A nasty bit of sleaze. But we already knew he had no class.
10. War injuries, what war injuries? But, you know, the Obamessiah is above all that...he just sends his proxies in to do battle.
11. He was sent all right, but not from heaven, I think. Or, was he? A trophy wife? "Whitey" is every bit as rotten as she [didn't] say. Di d'you?
12. He's ready to engage the real enemy....causing second thoughts in some quarters....
13. "Die and vote!" is all part of the new vote late, vote postmortem drive to get out the undead vote.
14. It's seared, seared, into Seattle's memory!
15. Hillary can still win! And, if she doesn't, she can get even. Apparently, she's already started, just in case. The best defense is a good offense, after all. Post-primary dump?
16. You mean they don't work??? There goes my major strategy for endless youth.
17. Something to do in the Antarctic besides all that boring research! But there might be a problem even there.... Sex and the single Muslim woman.
18. What is the right amount of blogging? Too much? Too little? What's the right amount of profit, for that matter?
19. The most morally abhorent movie ever made? That's saying a lot. This one could give it some competition. It would be better to get some sleep or work on home maintenance.
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
If you would like to Join the insanity, and add the Carnival of the Insanities button to your sidebar (clicking on it will always take you to the latest update of the Carnival), click on "Word of Blog" below the button to obtain the html code:
Sunday, June 08, 2008

DURING MY BLOGGING HIATUS, I WILL CONTINUE TO POST THE CARNIVAL EVERY SUNDAY! So keep those entries coming in, and try to get them to me by Saturday. If you have questions, go here before submitting an entry. You can also submit an entry via Blog Carnival.
Try to make it funny, ironic, or clearly insane, people...I get a lot of "self-help" stuff that doesn't seem particularly funny or even ironic to me--and, if it doesn't seem that way to me, then its likely it won't be included-- unless it just happens to fit in with one of the COTI themes for the week.
Also, a link back to the Carnival if your submitted post is included would be appreciated...and some extremely harsh penalties await those who do not comply with this simple and reasonable request!
1. Those damned
2. Our friends, the Iraqis.... but it's a sensitive cultural and religious issue. Sheesh, what a great religion; their tolerance and compassion are stunning. Dialogue, redefined.
3. They made his nose too big! What a sniveling martyr.
4. Maybe "stressing them" is not enough. I suspect they need a complete nervous breakdown before they'll stop. At least then--and only then--would a shrink do them any good.
5. Somewhere between Rodney King's "Can't we just get along?" and Alfred E. Neuman's "What, me worry?" and other "apologies"--in other words, painfully inadequate.
6. FurUncle Joe. A real collectivist.
7. Let's trade her for Susan Sarandon! What the envirofascists really want from us--in just a single cartoon!
8. Lot's of people under that bus.... Here's a solution for Obama's biggest problem, now that hill has finally frozen over! Too bad she can't take back what she already said, isn't it? I understand Obama admires tenacity...in some things only, apparently.
9. If we can send a man to the moon.... then why not Mars? (I have a suggestion !).
10. Oh, Jesus. If anything goes wrong, it will be GWB's fault, don't ya know?
11. FoBO. And more friends....Hey, he hardly knew them! About that Michelle Obama tape--real video! CHANGE!
12. Poor Mama Moonbat! The left has found another god/goddess to worship. And other things to protest in creative ways. Words of advice from Che.
13. They believe success is NOT AN OPTION! So, who needs a military? War, what is it good for? Well, defeating evil, for one thing.
14. Undercover Muslim? Definitely an expert in fertilizer....
15. Somebody get that man a [moral] compass! Somebody get today's journalists one, too.
16. This is what passes for "human rights" on the left, can lobster rights be far behind?! And, of course, Wright rights.
17. Stop bugging yourself! You may never look at your cell phone the same way again! Papers, please.
18. Modern relationships are incredibly strange. No room at the Inn.... It's a 'logic-free zone' , indeed. But, family is family.
19. King of Beasts. The monkey singularity?
20. Tacky is as tacky does. And speaking of tacky--or tasteless, anyway--show him your genitals.
21. The NY Times? They don't know turkey from Turkey.
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
If you would like to Join the insanity, and add the Carnival of the Insanities button to your sidebar (clicking on it will always take you to the latest update of the Carnival), click on "Word of Blog" below the button to obtain the html code:
Sunday, June 01, 2008

DURING MY BLOGGING HIATUS, I WILL CONTINUE TO POST THE CARNIVAL EVERY SUNDAY! So keep those entries coming in, and try to get them to me by Saturday. If you have questions, go here before submitting an entry. You can also submit an entry via Blog Carnival.
Try to make it funny, ironic, or clearly insane, people...I get a lot of "self-help" stuff that doesn't seem particularly funny or even ironic to me--and, if it doesn't seem that way to me, then its likely it won't be included-- unless it just happens to fit in with one of the COTI themes for the week.
Also, a link back to the Carnival if your submitted post is included would be appreciated...and some extremely harsh penalties await those who do not comply with this simple and reasonable request!
1. The times they are a-changin' , all right. OTOH, some things remain the same--A++ !
2. While Al Qaeda admits defeat in Iraq, Pelosi pushes her 'Path to Peace'. Yeah, that will work. Perhaps we should take them a bit more seriously?
3. They aren't very nice people but Pelosi, et al, think they are.... I know! Let's all walk around with tee shirts with crusader crosses on them and pretend we don't know what that means!
4. It's the great war on... nothing in particular which makes up the axis of not-so-evil. That's why he'll meet with one, but not the other.
5. It's a kick against progress. They have an absolute right to be terrorists!
6. Only one religion can be taught in public schools these days, with the exception of this one of course. I wonder if that's because both are so 'scientifically' based that the left feels comfortable promoting them? Or is it the usual double standard that applies? See you in court.
7. Bush's lapdog narrowly escapes! But wouldn't you rather be Bush's lapdog than the left's mascot?
8. Now here's a contrast for you. Underneath all that 'hope and change' BS beats the heart of a very ambitious man.
9. They are all collectivists.... but we are all anarchists now. Why is this not shocking? Birds of a feather....
10. "I can no more disown him than I can the Black Community...." It's getting crowded under that bus. He needs to practice the visionary thing a bit more.
11. Bad news for the internet? Don't curse, or else you might be very sorry.
12. The Untied States? These guys are judging a writing contest? It's an Obamanation in Obamamerica.
13. What happens when you don't trash your boss? But any Benedict Arnold wannabe can now make a mint telling his story .
14. How many more ways can Jimmy Carter prove to the world what an ass he is? The man is simply amazing. And, speaking of that, can a vagina be an ass? Would it matter? Should asses be put in jail?
15. The left isn't gonna like this. Or this. And especially not this.
16. Academic fascism? Hitler would be so proud. Yes, do consider the moral implications. Clearly, the sun is setting for the British Empire.
17. A neat litttle widget for the up-and-coming envirofascist!
18. The frog of horror! Possibly a worse horror: the price of gas!
19. The poetry of dating. Female trekkies have all the fun!
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
If you would like to Join the insanity, and add the Carnival of the Insanities button to your sidebar (clicking on it will always take you to the latest update of the Carnival), click on "Word of Blog" below the button to obtain the html code:
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