Send all entries for next week's carnival to Dr. Sanity by 8 pm ET on Saturday for Sunday's Carnival. Only one post entry weekly per blogger, please. And you might read this before submitting an entry.
**NOTE: I am now getting many more submissions than I can possibly include in the weekly Carnival. Please don't be offended if your submission is not used (oh, okay, be as offended as you like) as it only means that for a variety of reasons I wasn't able to fit it into the "flow" as I put together each Carnival.

1. The "Not Insane" To Do List--everyone needs one for the New Year
2. A terrifying video from a previously unknown terror group! Nevertheless, Western civilization seems doomed.
3. Somehow I wouldn't feel safe with their kind of "protection". Having failed with every other proposal, perhaps raw sex will help Mideast Peace? Or is legal defeatism all there is?
4. Progress in Iraq...gays hardest hit. A grim milestone in Iraq you won't hear about. Someone should give a clue to the guy in the cave...cause he's too busy reading the NY Times to know what's really going on.
5. The 800 lb gorilla at the Holiday dinner!
6. Meanwhile, Iran is well and truly pwned!
7. A comic extravaganza. For real comic relief, go here and follow instructions.
8. Levels of stupid. This is definitely weapons-grade stupid.
9. Don't ask and she won't tell....
10. Hillary's Christmas promises...a way of storing up virtue in heaven? Yes...the only sensible way is to spend other people's money! Otherwise known as Tax, Tax, Tax! Well, it all depends on what your definition of "creative" is, doesn't it?
11. Don't be optimistic about it; it's not fashionable. Damn capitalism.
12. Are you man enough for this? Fathers should weep. He's man enough for PETA.
13. How about a bottomless male to lure the female perverts? A Tit Offensive?
14. When the Anglo-Saxons are thoroughly disoriented and freaked out, then the fingerlickin’ begins!
15. Sehr traurig, indeed.
16. Why not combine curling and skeleton for the next Winter Olympics?
17. Personally I think it is the lunacy induced by crowds.

18. You've got plenty to be thankful for....so have a
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
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