And, while you are in the Mood for Madness, go directly to the Weekly Whackjob Awards!

Send all entries for next week's carnival to Dr. Sanity by 8 pm ET on Saturday for Sunday's Carnival. Only one post entry weekly per blogger, please. And you might read this before submitting an entry.
1. The Sharpton-Jackson Watch day one day two and day three....I think we will watch in vain. The opportunists circle for America's biggest blanket party....(btw, if you have ideas for a Sharpton-Jackson Watch logo, contact SC&A].
2. How about a t-shirt or some plush toys to go with the book and CD? It works for almost any event. But an infant bodysuit? Come on, guys.
3. The everyday insanity of life in Saudi Arabia. And, before you feel too superior, the everyday psychoses of Americans. Paranoia runs deep. The world is awash in it.
4. Australia is a very dangerous place; maybe that's why they understand what's at stake.
5. But please don't question their objectivity. I'm sure there's a good reason for their double standard. Or even for ignoring the truth. They answer to a higher moral authority.
6. The question is, who is being persecuted? And I don't think it is the imams in question. but that is just another example of the "objectivity" of today's press (scroll down to end of the post). And this might just be the proper response to those imams. Way to go, Howard.
7. Busted! Busted again: beneath that kafiyeh is a well-known face.
8. Global warming-induced fascism....or just a bunko scam? Reality won't dampen them either.
9. Can a Department of Wishful Thinking be far behind? Such a department could oversee and make research like this a top priority, which would make some feminists very happy.
10. If I ran for President, my campaign slogan would be "A chocolate bar in every mouth". (talk about wishful thinking!)
11. There are lots of brave
12. Why would you ever think Senators couldn't get even more ridiculous than they already are?? How about Speakers of the House?
13. Everybody has stem cells, folks, but only embryos have embryonic stem cells. That's the difference. As far as I know, there's no "debate" about adult stem cells. But it's all Bush's fault anyway.
14. Is is now the GWW (Galactic Wide Web)?
15. Who says cats aren't as smart as dogs? And how to tell how old a fish is. Did you know that cell phones kill bees? Somehow I have the sense that this is yet another conspiracy theory (see #3).
16. Actually, I believe it is a Hermes. But context is everything.
17. A perfect example of selfless giving.
18. Keeping priorities straight.
19. Only in England.
20. Shoveling snow in mid-April often makes a person irritable.
21. The mujra is to south asian Islam what belly dancing is to Arab Islam... Then there are the Yul Brynner dancers of the Taliban.
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
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