Friday, April 08, 2005

The Council Has Spoken!

This week's winners are up at the Watcher of Weasels. You should check them all out!

In First Place for BEST COUNCIL POST is:

Taming the Whirlwinds of History by Right Wing Nut House

And in a 4-way tie (!!!) for second place:

Washington State Teachers Union Boycotts Wal-Mart and Hurts Itself InsteadThe Education Wonks

Moving MelancholyAlpha Patriot

Footnotes #10 The SmarterCop

Civilization and its Discontents Dr. Sanity

In the BEST NON-COUNCIL POST category we have:

1st Place:

W M D - or How ‘W’ Made the Difference by

And a 3-way tie for 2nd Place:

An Education Initiative That Will Be Popular In Indiana, At the Very Least...Dennis the Peasant

Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe.WILLisms

The Pulitzer Prize for Felony Murder...Power Line

Congratulations to all the winners!

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