Send all entries for next week's carnival to Dr. Sanity by 8 pm ET on Saturday for Sunday's Carnival. Only one post entry weekly per blogger, please. And you might read this before submitting an entry
**NOTE: I am now getting many more submissions than I can possibly include in the weekly Carnival. Please don't be offended if your submission is not used (oh, okay, be as offended as you like) as it only means that for a variety of reasons I wasn't able to fit it into the "flow" as I put together each Carnival.
1. Gadahn missing! Call an Amber Alert! Or, maybe a car swarm. We can hope.
2. It's bad for the tunnel business!
3. Mad? No, the Archbishop of Canterbury is an ass. So is Randi Rhodes. It's the same disease afflicting both of them, strangely. A sort of leprosy--but of the mind...
4. Actually, it's all the sun's fault! They say warming, the Earth says Brrrrrr. Too bad the environment just won't cooperate with them....But perhaps they are addicted to their emotions about it? Or else they're just a bunch of idiots and despots.
5. At least God is contrite about the damage.
6. Wow! Who knew this syndrome would have such an unintended effect? What will we do when he's gone? No wonder the ayatollahs wants him beheaded! It's a financial priority for them.
7. Berkeley surrenders, and Toledo attacks, so the Global War on Stupidity continues. Maybe it's time to take out the trash? Wholly Toledo!
8. A choice, a voice...rejoice? Don't you understand? He can do no wrong and can't be criticized.... Except maybe in Iran.
9. The Russians are a bit...slow... on the uptake.
10. The unraveling. It's cryin' time again! How she learned to stop worrying and love...John McCain? Well, it is a little like walking on eggshells. The real reasons Rush & Ann hate him. You have to admit, it wasn't the speech we expected! Maybe a grizzly bear would be a better nominee?
11. Does this go against the grain? Inequitous equity?
12. Marriage: It's only going to get worse, so find your therapist now, while you can!
13. Intentional flatulence? Of course it should be banned! Along with intentional burping.
14. Policemen have a well-developed sense of humor. I guess they have to in order to survive.
15. Blogging isn't rocket science! Here's a post you can sink your teeth into: Harshing the mellow.
16. Has another Teutonic sprite brought down a football fuehrer? Is she a Gothic Lolita, perhaps?
17. Bus art, Animal crackers and getting waxed.
18. Guess which collectivist said it! Take the quiz.
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
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