Send all entries for next week's carnival to Dr. Sanity by 8 pm ET on Saturday for Sunday's Carnival. Only one post entry weekly per blogger, please. And you might read this before submitting an entry.
**NOTE: I am now getting many more submissions than I can possibly include in the weekly Carnival. Please don't be offended if your submission is not used (oh, okay, be as offended as you like) as it only means that for a variety of reasons I wasn't able to fit it into the "flow" as I put together each Carnival.
1. You could be a pirate! Or, you could be a she-devil; or a saucy minx, for that matter! Or even a caveman....but there's always a reason to party!
2. Yeah, right. And Che Guevara deserves the Humanitarian Award. Meanwhile, Hugo discovers the secret to "happiness"! He goes for the gusto. Hey! At least he's not the boss of me!
3. She's got 2 million little secrets. And he's got a $218 trillion mobile phone bill.
4. Interesting how some things can get published, and some things can't...
5. Two good reasons not to trust Wikipedia on anything.
6. Between poor defenseless old ladies with big bullets, it's really hard to trust any journalists or news agencies these days.... Uh oh! It happened here, too!
7. Jones'n on earmarks. Living on fried virtue. Or, perhaps they get their self-esteem from seafood? 8. Somehow, Iran always finds a clever way to protest its innocence. Terrorist? Moi??
9. So, will they be sued for their blatant islamophobia? You can count on these guys always leaping to CAIR's defense!
10. Does the whole neocon /rethuglican thing got you down? Just ask Islamic Rage Boy!
11. He will make the world safe for white underwear! There's just no end to the amazing things this deity can do. 12. A win-win for Israel. But this is a really big no-win....
13. This is appeasement. So is this. Also called "unidirectional multiculturalism". And then there's this, which is definitely NOT appeasement.
14. Valuable eggs. Extremely valuable eggs.
15. Man-Beard experimentation...
16. Slouching can cause your head to explode? Good to know.
17. Now's the time to apply for this job. I'll bet they don't require a Powerpoint presentation !
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
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