The contest is definitely a "slam dunk" for the Squad.
The CIA used to pride itself on its closed-mouthed secrecy. But the ex-CIA director is busily defending himself with narcissistic panache on a book tour touting At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA, It doesn't take a mental health professional to pick up the scent of self-serving defensiveness, as charges and counter-charges fill the air.
Meanwhile in Israel, fingers are flying to assign blame for a less-than-perfect outcome in last summer’s war in Lebanon.
The Fab Four also have time to calmly discuss the diagnostic expertise of
Last but not least, there’s that new miracle sex pill all men (and women) have been waiting for! Is it a dream come true, or just another scam? Either way, it has captured the attention of the extraordinarily sensitive and compassionate members of the Squad ! (Siggy insists that I add "virile" to that description ).
All that wonderful insight, charm, brilliance, and more, in this week’s podcast!
Join Siggy, Shrinkwrapped, Neo-neocon and me as we make our own diagnoses and treatment recommendations for the latest outbreaks of political insanity

All podcasts of The Sanity Squad can be found here; and you can also download them from iTunes. (search for Pajamas Media)
To the right is a rare photo of the Sanity Squad when they were adventurous young children. From left to right: Shrink (holding calmly, but tightly to the raft); Dr. Sanity (bouncing with barely suppressed excitement); Siggy (you didn't realize he was a flying feline pretending to be three dead psychiatrists, did you?) and Neo (eyes closed and hanging on for dear life).
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