Thursday, March 10, 2005

**!@!?&!?%!*$@** BLOGGER !*&%$$#@!

Blogger has been down all day, since my first post before 7 am this morning. I think it has impacted all Blogger users and not just me. Several posts I wrote earlier are have magically appeared on the site.

Since I am a mental health professional and am above such things (HAH), I am valiantly trying to keep my temper. Blogger's service is free, and I am getting what I pay for, I guess.


On the bright side, if everyone would hit the Tip Jar, I could eventually afford to move to a better service! (Notice how I am trying to make lemonade from lemons?)

My wheeling and dealing brother thinks I should make such requests more frequently (this is the first time I've "blegged" actually). But he is the one with most of the business smarts in the family. In deference to him, I strongly encourage you to drop a Tip to Dr. Sanity using the Amazon or Paypal buttons on the right sidebar. Or, by mailing a tip to the PO address listed there.


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