Send all entries for next week's carnival to Dr. Sanity by 8 pm ET on Saturday for Sunday's Carnival. Only one post entry weekly per blogger, please. And you might read this before submitting an entry.
Thanks for all the submissions. I try to use as many as possible! SO MANY INSANITIES! SO LITTLE TIME!!!
1. Do you think he can make the earth cooler and avoid war at the same time? It doesn't matter--we're all gonna die! We're doomed, I tells ya! Meanwhile, this American patriot launches a new line of French cameras. Nice going, John!
2. Barf bags at the ready? Take a look at this. Then think about this news.
3. Isn't it romantic? Romance is just sweeping the globe! Unlike, say, global warming.
4. Nevertheless, they are still willing to promote peace in Iraq. The US is just willfully misunderstanding their peaceful plans for the region. Oh, and this is NOT a civil war. Yes, we should definitely redeploy!
5. Obviously, you can't keep a good pig down.
6. Some people are rather unclear on the concept of what the job of the military is all about. And some (mostly journalists) are unclear about what the job of the news media is, too--a classic example of objective reporting.
7. Soros was probably referring to this sort of thing-- which is rather typical of fascism, after all. Funny, isn't it, how confused the left has become?
8. Is he right about the left? He's one of their own, so maybe they'll listen... Nahhhh... Not a chance. No way. They have no connection with planet earth.
9. 9/11 wasn't all that bad, was it? We made a mountain out of a molehill. Everything was all Bush's fault anyway. Just ask Sandy.
10. Too many Jews for some, is just the right amount for others.... But they remain the monster under the bed for the Muslim world. They're simply SHOCKED at such stereotyping.
11. Why men (and women) don't want sex. Paying for it doesn't help the situation, either. But some get to dance to the end of love, despite it all!
12. The Mother Theresa of cyberspace? The Chicken Little of global warming? We'll take that nomination and raise you one higher!
13. Photoshop, the essential propaganda tool of the 21st century....
14. Petrificus Totalus ! A (magical) horse of a different color, indeed!
15. And, speaking of horses, this is all Bush's fault too. Clearly, he should have a talk with his conscience
16. Russians must have a slow learning curve if they have to be warned about this...
17. He's not spending the World Bank's money on himself, is he?
18. Has the caveman "jumped the shark"? You decide!
19. The idiot's guide to finances. What to do with those $2 bills....
20. They may be prisoners and rather poor poets, but their hearts are in the right place... As far as I'm concerned, anyone who deserves a link!
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
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