The election is over but the analysis has only just begun. The Squad has lots to say about the prognosis for the next two years: “It’s all theatre. What the Democrats are going to do for the next 2 years is ‘put on a show.’…. This whole notion that the Democrats have this noble history is about as credible as believing little green men built the pyramids.” (that's Siggy, of course, who hardly ever says what he really feels).
Join Neo-neocon , Shrinkwrapped , Siggy and I as we fearlessly forcast what's going to be happening now that the Democrats are in control of Congress. You may not agree with us; you may hate us, but we guarantee you'll be entertained, amused, or at the very least, enraged.

Previous podcasts of The Sanity Squad can be found here; and you can also download them from iTunes.
(The Sanity Squad cartoon drawn by Eric Allie, whose political cartoons can be found here)
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