The only way to deal with it is to mock it, but even those brave enough to risk the fatwas of the fatuous clerics and leaders, would be hard-pressed to outdo them in their ability to be sink into the ridiculous and absurd.
Here's the Islamic verdict on Valentine's day:
The next time you hear the familiar co-existence, religion-of-peace blather from some Saudi-purchased, Brotherhood canoodling hack (e.g., Georgetown University’s Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, under the direction of the Left’s favorite Islam expert, John Esposito), keep this one in the back of your mind. It’s not from al-Qaeda; it’s from Malaysia’s widely proclaimed moderate Islamic government — the same one that, with Interpol’s help, has reportedly extradited a journalist to Saudi Arabia to face trial for insulting Mohammed, a death-penalty offense:An invitation “to be my Valentine” on February 14 is against Islamic beliefs and would incur the wrath of Allah, Muslims were told today in the official Friday sermon prepared by the federal government.
The sermon warned Muslims against celebrating Valentine’s Day, which the federal Islamic authorities claimed was in breach of the tenets of their religion.
In the text of a sermon provided by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) titled “Awas jerat Valentine” (Beware Valentine’s trap), Muslims were told that asking someone to be his or her “Valentine” could lead to idolatry.
Yeah yeah. It's always "Death to everyone!" For pretty much everything.
How can you begin to mock such idiocy?
I wrote a post a while back about the lack of any sort of a sense of humor in the Muslim world. Most other cultures have the ability to make fun of even the most sacred of beliefs. Of course, this is not to everyone's liking, but it is the hallmark of a guilt culture, as opposed to a shame culture--the latter being the kind of culture in which Islam takes hold.
The hearts and flowers of Valentine's Day are a benign form of pleasure for most people. Valentine was, to be sure, a Christian saint, but the modern celebration of the day is completely secular and a chance to show love and affection.
You might think that perhaps I'm being a tad insensitive to Islam's deeply held beliefs? Well, you might be right; but you know what? I don't much care.
So, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to every Muslim on the planet --especially all you fanatical, humorousless ones (you know who you are). May your hearts be filled with love and joy and even peace... instead of being preoccupied with hate and death and jihad all the time.

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