And, while you are in the Mood for Madness, click on the image of Siggy on the right to go directly to the Weekly Whackjob Awards!

Send all entries for next week's carnival to Dr. Sanity by 8 pm ET on Saturday for Sunday's Carnival. Only one post entry weekly per blogger, please. And you might read this before submitting an entry.
Thanks for all the submissions. I try to use as many as possible! SO MANY INSANITIES! SO LITTLE TIME!!!
1. The argument against using any military action has been going on for decades. Amazing!
2. You can almost certainly lay the blame at his door. He is evil, after all. But, let's face it, not as evil as those ominous totalitarian theocrats just waiting to take over the US.
3. Some guy sent him. Then he outed her. A tale of two crimes.
4. Apologize at once to adulterers! How dare you offend those poor anti-semites! And stop insulting our civilization, for god's sake!
5. A variant of BDS according to experts. Note that it's perfectly ok to insult them. Heh. The "Islamo-Chavez" threat. I like it. OTOH, some idiots seem to think that the totalitarian vision of Chavez is strangely "empowering." I believe they said the same thing when Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, and "fill in charming psychopathic dictator's name here" came to power, too.
6. First, she has to stop her own bullshit ...
7. A populist? No, he's just a douchebag. And she just re-created herself again. Both of them are definitely sleeping with money but they don't let it cloud their visions of power.
8. Even honor killings can be blamed on the Jews. Simply stupefying.
9. And there are endless new variations on honor killing! When you spend all your time in a burka, you can get very creative.
10. Dreaded articles of blasphemy. Read, then go back and re-read #2 about the totalitarian Christian theocrats.
11. Very popular pet among singles.... and here is a way to ensure excellent service when you go out to eat.
12. Reality bites...or at least frostbites....Not the best way to bring attention to global warming....the snow is deep, but their faith is strong! Only an alien can truly understand global warming.
13. If the NY Times is growing skeptical, maybe the whole panic has jumped the shark....
14. A force for evil or a force for good? You decide. Is the Pope Catholic?
15. There is an advantage to having multiple personalities--but only if they all know karate. Being popular won't help much.
16. Disposable parents? Something every kid can look forward to. Another heartwarming tale of familial dysfunction. And speaking of family dysfunction, it's hard to beat this family's insanity.
17. She fails to see the mystery in this. But the mystery of Daylight Savings time goes on and on....
18. The sanctions are up and Ahmadinejad is down!
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
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