Thursday, May 03, 2012


And, even more evidence of this kind of "It's all about MEEEEEEEE!" Narcissism is the Obama campaign's own video, where Bill Clinton says: "Suppose they [the Navy Seals] had been captured or killed. The downside would have been horrible for him [Obama]."

I suspect the downside for the Seals might have been just a wee bit more horrible....


Lionell Griffith said...

Good move! Simple, direct, and loads much faster.

I do object to the visually distorted word guessing game. I usually have to go through several examples to find one clear enough to prove I am not a robot.

Steve D said...

After going through the visually distorted word guessing game, I'm pretty sure I am a robot

Chris said...

Ozymandias-on-the-Potomac (how wonderfully Shelley's poem seems almost biographical here) does seem to be afflicted with a metastasized *I* disease that infects every other aspect of his life.

It makes "I Did It My Way" seem positively Mother Theresa-like in comparison. said...

Narcicism of Barack Obama - nauseating

swifty said...

Why do we elect Narcicists like Barack Obama, Joe Biden,Bill Clinton - In love with themselves to the point of nauseism?