Keep those entries coming in every week, and try to get them to me by Saturday. If you have questions, go here before submitting an entry. You can also submit an entry via Blog Carnival.
Try to make it funny, ironic, or clearly insane, people...I get a lot of "self-help" stuff that doesn't seem particularly funny or even ironic to me--and, if it doesn't seem that way to me, then its likely it won't be included-- unless it just happens to fit in with one of the COTI themes for the week.
Also, a link back to the Carnival if your submitted post is included would be appreciated...and some extremely harsh penalties await those who do not comply with this simple and reasonable request!
1. Happy Halloween? I'm not sure lynching is a PC activity...but a guillotine sure is! Wait a minute, it's not Halloween...It's Christmas! And here come's Obama Claus.

2. He likes the cut of his jib! Twas brillig, really. Men in
3. Ignorance is O-bliss. The new National Anthem? Quick! Somebody alert the messiah!
4. It's not even a symbolic achievement...we're still racist. Michelle's America, I guess. The blood in the streets will prove it beyond a doubt anyway.
5. Voter fraud chic....Messianic zeal? Everything you need to know to grow an ACORN.
6. The three stooges were a lot smarter.....Translating Democratese...! The virtue of selfishness...now where have I read that before?
7. One vacation = One wardrobe. But, we'll let the court decide.
8. Marriage = 1 man + 1 comic book? Spiderman told me to vote!
9. Must be a real doozy of a video...too bad we can't make up our own minds. Remember, one may smile, smile and still be a villain.
10. Witch doctors for change! Children for change! Journalists for change!
11. Next time you need a cop, call a hippie. First there was Joe the Plumer, now we have Tito the Builder!

12. Whoops! Great moments in election year blogging? Not ready for prime time--but they were both on SNL and that seems to count as experience....probably more than a stinkin' passport.
13. A Freudian typo? Does Obama heart Syria and not Pakistan?
14. Also my choice for Press Secretary in a McCain administration.
15. Clearly Al was visiting at the time. Or, maybe he was in Tibet? Just another nutty idea, I guess.
16. Now that the campaigning and infomercials are done, is it going to be heaven or hell? If you're going to pull an all-nighter to find out--go here!

Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
If you would like to Join the insanity, and add the Carnival of the Insanities button to your sidebar (clicking on it will always take you to the latest update of the Carnival), click on "Word of Blog" below the button to obtain the html code:
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