Monday, March 10, 2008


At American Thinker, Gary Wolf deconstructs the pervasive anti-Israeli bias of the media (hat tip: Larwyn):

The bias of the mainstream media against Israel never ceases to amaze me. It must rank as one of the most curious sociopolitical phenomena of our era. The further the Palestinian Arabs move toward a barbaric Islamic theocracy, the deeper the support for them among the cadre of "progressive" journalists.

An example of the entrenched bias is last Thursday's (March 6) article from the Associated Press, "7 die in shooting at Jerusalem seminary."

Let us first examine the headline: "7 die." Seven what-people? Jews? Martians? And they are not killed, they simply "die," in the passive sense, as if from a stroke. The main reason why this is so insidious is that such language is never used when the enemies of Israel are the ones who die. One of the calling cards of Leftist journalism is that when Arabs die, you know how they died, who killed them, and whether they had any special characteristics worthy of pity. If the sides were reversed, the headline would read, "Israeli extremist massacres 7 youths learning Koran at Gaza holy place."

Wolf goes on to deconstruct the entire article with all its implicit and explicit bias; and then demonstrates how an article about 9/11 would sound, using the same sort of media template that is used to protect terrorists today.

Over at Israellycool the human face of this massacre and the media's horrific anti-Israel bias is further exposed. Here is how the AFP frames the face of the mass murderer, his picture lovingly held by a sweet little girl:

A relative holds up a picture of Alaa Hisham Abu Dheim, a Palestinian suspected of gunning down eight students at a Jewish religious school in Jerusalem. Israel went on alert as crowds mourned eight teens killed by a Palestinian at a Jewish religious school in an attack claimed by Hamas that shook faltering peace talks. (AFP/Ahmad Gharabli)

Only the Israeli papers bothered to show the faces of the innocents who were butchered by the "suspected" murderer in the attack, and I urge you to go over to Israellycool to see their faces and find out something about them. They are: Yonatan Yitzhak Eldar, 16; Segev Peniel Avihail, 15; Yochai Lipschitz, 18; Roey Roth, 18; Avraham David Moses, 16; Neria Cohen, 15; and Yehonadav Haim Hirshfeld, 19.

As Wolf noted in the American Thinker article:

One of the calling cards of Leftist journalism is that when Arabs die, you know how they died, who killed them, and whether they had any special characteristics worthy of pity. If the sides were reversed, the headline would read, "Israeli extremist massacres 7 youths learning Koran at Gaza holy place."

Needless to say, the MSM articles I read did not state the ages of those who were murdered, simply referring to them vaguely as "people". [Wouldn't want to inflame the passions of the readers in the wrong way, would we?]

ShrinkWrapped sums up the pitiful Palestinians (and their enablers in the media, as well ) when he commented on Friday:

In Pity the Poor Anti-Semite I pointed out the core conflict within the Arab anti-Semite:
Here is the crucial point for those who imagine that a tiny group of people, barely 60 years out of an almost successful genocide, left with nothing more than the clothes on their backs, comprising approximately .05% of the world's population, who came to the desert in Palestine and built a modern technological nation, would have the time and interest to simultaneously devote themselves to oppressing the Muslim world, with almost 100 times their population and oceans of oil:

The anti-Semite necessarily defines himself as monumentally inferior to the Jew.

This resides in the core of the anti-Semite and renders him permanently damaged and weakened. Only the aid of a being much greater than themselves, Allah, can save them from disaster. Short of such divine intervention, they are doomed to remain defeated. The Muslim nations of the world do not see it as within their abilities to compete in a world of high technology, higher education, competitive open economies; no, they look to nuclear weapons, only available to them by virtue of their Allah given oil money rather than by the sweat of their own brows, to bring them relief from the often imagined depredations of the now conflated Jewish/American demi-Gods.

It is this inferiority that leaves the Arab celebrating as a great triumph the murder of unarmed Jewish students, many of them teenagers, as they study their Torah. What a pathetic triumph!

If Hamas and Hezbollah consider this some sort of "triumph", then it indeed a pathetic one, of a kind that only losers, psychopaths and barbarians can be proud.

UPDATE: Oh, and the "moderates" in the so-called Middle East peace process have now honored the mass murdering terrorist:
Mahmoud Abbas's official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper has honored the killer of the eight high school students gunned down this week with the status of Shahid - Holy Islamic Martyr. In so doing, the PA is sending its people a straightforward message of support for the terror murders and the murderer. According to the PA interpretation of Islam, there is no higher status that a human being can achieve today than that of Shahid.

In this sick religion, there is no higher status than that of Shahid; and no more subservient one than that of dhimmi. Mass murdering religious degenerates and mass media useful idiots---a match made in Allah's paradise.

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