This is exactly the sort of racist, sexist BS we've come to expect from the political left these days and which we discussed last night on The Sanity Squad podcast. It's no wonder people are getting fed up with this stuff, since the underlying assumption is that they can only vote on the basis of their skin color or ovaries. Brains are clearly optional for Democrats.
For those who haven't got a clue, this is both racist and sexist; and the Democrats are finally having to deal with the bitter fruit of "identity politics". Beneath the incessant appeals to the racist and sexist proclivities of the average human lies the stark nakedness of the victimhood ideology that has motivated the bankrupt left for decades.
We were mistaken in the 90's when we thought we had won the cold war against the communists.....The same Marxist dialectic crap is now being played out in the Democratic primary. Which "oppressed" group will triumph over the other oppressed groups and go on to be oppressed by the evil Republicans, I wonder? There exists a heirarchy that determines whose victimhood is more worthy (I refer to it as the "socialist food chain" here). Will it be Obama or Clinton? Or, perhaps the pandering Edwards, who, while the low man on the victimhood totempole, is trying to suck up to both groups at the same time.
Isn't it time we finally showed this ideological nonsense the door and slammed it shut? We have a chance to not only finally put an end to the kind of racial and gender discrimination that only divides us and keeps us in perpetual victimhood; we have the chance of truly renouncing the vile communist and socialist ideas that suck the freedom and dignity out of all of us.
In fact, we can drive a nail in communism's coffin once and for all by killing off this communism/socialism-lite being actively promulgated by the political left, hiding behind the skirts of the once proud Democrats. Reject the modern Democratic Party which has become the repository of the same old, tired cliches of the leftist/marxist manifesto. Reject identity politics... and vote with your brain.
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