Saturday, January 12, 2008


BAGHDAD - After weathering nearly five years of war, Baghdad residents thought they'd pretty much seen it all. But Friday morning, as muezzins were calling the faithful to prayer, the people here awoke to something certifiably new.

For the first time in memory, snow fell across Baghdad.

Although the white flakes quickly dissolved into gray puddles, they brought an emotion rarely expressed in this desert capital snarled by army checkpoints, divided by concrete walls and ravaged by sectarian killings — delight.

You would think this would be a good time for Democrats to admit the Surge has worked; that we have turned a corner in Iraq; and that we have effectively routed Al Qaeda and to concentrate on winning in this war.... but you would be wrong:
Congress Daily reports on a recent conference call with Democratic Senator Ben Nelson and former Kerry campaign foreign policy adviser Rand Beers. The call focused on Nelson's effort to push for a change in mission for our troops in Iraq, and the failure of the surge to promote political reconciliation.

Yet while Nelson reportedly acknowledges that the surge has achieved 'key military objectives,' he is apparently still able to utter this phrase:

Noting that President Bush announced the surge initiative last January, Nelson said: "Here we are one year later and it's like Groundhog Day. Everything seems to be the same."

The comment demonstrates a stunning indifference to the extraordinary turnaround that has taken place in Iraq in the last year.

Facts, schmacts. What do they care if they aren't in the White House?

The Official Theme Song of the Democratic Party (with apologies to the Beatles)

It's fun to get mad at the Prez
And trash everything that he says
He's holding us down, making us frown
We'd rather love Hugo Chavez!

We'll never admit it's getting better
Here at home or in Iraq
We'll never admit it's getting better
'Til we get the White House back.

We used to be happy, you see
But now we're the knights who say NIE
Iraq got to vote
But we really hope
That no one pretends they are free.

We'll never admit it's getting better
We stand for nothing and have no plan
We simply hate to admit it's getting better
And we hate that we lost and that Bush is the boss
And we'll thwart him as much as we can.

We'll never admit it's getting better
Here at home or in Iraq
We'll never admit it's getting better
'Til we get the White House back.

UPDATE: Jules Crittenden has more.

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