Tuesday, July 03, 2007


...who have forgotten:

See this:
With just hours to go in his presidency, Bill Clinton issued pardons Saturday to more than 100 people, including former CIA Director John Deutch; former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros; and Susan McDougal, a former Clinton business partner who was jailed in the Whitewater scandal.

Others issued presidential pardons in one of Clinton's last official acts were his half brother, Roger, who pleaded guilty to distributing cocaine in Arkansas, and Patricia Hearst Shaw, the heiress who robbed a San Francisco bank in 1974 after being kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army.

Clinton also pardoned former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington and Peter MacDonald, the former Navajo Nation president.

And don't forget Marc Rich a fugitive on the lam, pardoned by Clinton.

Also, see this:
CNN has learned that former President Clinton is about to put out a statement in which he will acknowledge that his brother-in-law, Hugh Rodham, received a sum of money to represent two clients who were given pardons by the president. They two are Almon Glenn Braswell and Carlos Vignali, both of them controversial.

Short memories... faux outrage...yet more devastating symptoms of Severe Acquired Leftist Anencephalic Dementia (SALAD).

UPDATE: SC&A has more on this: The Stench of Democrat Hypocrisy.

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