Wednesday, January 17, 2007


My fellow Sanity Squad member, ShrinkWrapped, has an excellent post up about the use and mis-use of psychiatry. We will be covering this issue on the next podcast of The Sanity Squad. As usual, Shrink cuts to the chase:
Those who are pathologizing Neo-cons believe that at best we are over reacting to a minor threat and at worst are creating the threat out of minimal evidence.

In other words, there is no real threat from Islamic fascism and by responding the way we have, we are actually creating the danger. There are two problems with this formulation and the manner in which it is promulgated. First, it may well be incorrect and the danger to the country if we are correct and Dr. X et al are incorrect is profound (as is the danger if we are incorrect and he is correct). Many people have written and argued in quite compelling terms that we are facing a clear and present danger from Islamofascism as dangerous as any ideological clash of the last century. Most recently, Victor Davis Hansen has presented the case Those who are pathologizing Neo-cons believe that at best we are over reacting to a minor threat and at worst are creating the threat out of minimal evidence.

In other words, there is no real threat from Islamic fascism and by responding the way we have, we are actually creating the danger. There are two problems with this formulation and the manner in which it is promulgated. First, it may well be incorrect and the danger to the country if we are correct and Dr. X et al are incorrect is profound (as is the danger if we are incorrect and he is correct). Many people have written and argued in quite compelling terms that we are facing a clear and present danger from Islamofascism as dangerous as any ideological clash of the last century. Most recently, Victor Davis Hansen has presented the case in War?—What War? Dr. X and Psychology Today's entire argument is rendered nonsensical if there is a real threat.

The second issue arises in ascribing psychological pathology to a political opponent, a practice much more often promoted by the liberal side of the political spectrum. By essentially resorting to sophisticated insults (and Dr. X's Part I is actually quite insulting), those who rely on such ad hominem arguments completely avoid grappling with the more difficult and more important question. Are we or are we not threatened by Islamic fascism? (emphasis mine)

And here we have the crux of the issue.

For, there is indeed some serious psychological pathology at work here, and it depends on which side of that question corresponds to objective reality. Which side is engaging in gross self-deception; and which side is denying and distorting reality and truth? Which side is constructing complicated conspiracy theories to shore up their view of the world and is refusing to process any information that contradicts that view?

How does a rational person decide which part of that question is true? Are we or are we not threatened by Islamic fascism?

How you answer that question will, of course, determine which political ideology you accuse of engaging in psychological pathology. Of course, psychological pathology is not--nor has it ever been--limited to one side of the political spectrum or the other. There is more than enough psychopathology, malignant narcissism and psychopathy to go around on both the left and the right.

Nevertheless, the answer to that specific question determines whether you are moving forward facing the realities of the 21st century, or have left reality in the rear-view mirror as you frantically retreat over the bridge back to the comfort of the 20th.

Did Islamic fascists plan and execute the mass murder of 9/11 ; or, was it a conspiracy of the Bush Administration and the US government (and/or the Jews)?

Have Islamic fascists declared war on the U.S. and the West; or, are their statements--made on a daily basis-- simply mere rhetoric and in reality pose little or no threat to our national security?

Are we involved in a global war against Islamic fascism that is being waged right now (in Europe, the Middle East, Russia, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Indonesia, the Phillipines etc.) against the fanatic religionists of Islam; or is this "war" a psychotic figment of neocons' imaginations?

Are Islamic fascists (both nationed and nationless) threatening to obtain nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction and do they intend to use them against their declared enemies (America, the West, and Israel) ; or, is their intent merely peaceful energy production for the betterment of their own populations?

Is violent Islamic fascism responsible for thousands of innocents murdered in depraved and cowardly acts of terror and violence all over the world; or is all this so-called "terror" simply a perfectly justified response to the aggressive and hostile policies of the U.S. and the West toward the oppressed peoples of Islam-- whose only recourse is to mount suicide attacks against their oppressors?

Are these Islamic nations deliberately fostering and nurturing a malignant and violent version of Islam in order to keep their own populations under control and direct that population's anger and rage externally toward the West and Israel; or, is this entire issue of "Islamic fascism" a clever plot concocted by oil companies, the US government, and political conservatives (i.e., neocons), to steal oil and oppress the people of Islam while advancing American imperialism and hegemony in the Middle East?

Go ahead, give those questions your best shot. I have an hour or two free on Thursday mornings if you find you are having trouble dealing with some unpleasant truths that make you question everything you believe.

But in the long run, reality and truth are essential for psychological health; and for effectively dealing with the problems of the real world.

I can't promise that everything will be okay--bad things do happen in the real world; innocents do suffer and evil does exist; in other words, I can't promise you a rose garden--but, you do have a choice: you can choose to face life with honor, integrity and dignity--fighting when necessary for those things that give meaning to human life; and standing up for that which is good; or, you can whine and whimper, cower and run from the unpleasantness of the real world--and just let yourself be a deer in the headlights waiting for that final crash to end the paralysis and self-deception.

It is your choice.

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