Ignacio Upton (1000+ posts) Sat Sep-02-06 07:39 PM
Original message
“Never forget 9/11!”…..fuck that!
I’m sorry but all 9/11 has brought us and the world is war and death. When people tell me “never forget” the term becomes loaded with the connotation of “fighting them over there, so we don’t have to fight them over here.”
I want to forget that that gruesome attack ever happened, and that nearly 3,000 of my fellow countrymen (and visitors to America) weren’t murdered by Al Qaida. On 9/11/06, I will not watch any cable networks that day, because it will just be one big grief-orgy, with Bush running around to exploit it.
Folks, this is a pristine, textbook example of what psychological denial is all about.
Denial is a complex psychological process where, while there may be some conscious knowledge or awareness of an event in the world, a person fails to feel the emotional impact, or to see the logical consequences of that event.
It is an attempt to reject unacceptable feelings, needs, thoughts, wishes; or to reject a painful external reality that might force us to alter the perception of ourselves or the world. As a psychological defense mechanism, denial protects us temporarily from:
-Knowledge (things we don’t want to know)
-Insight or awareness that threatens our self-esteem; or our mental or physical health; or our security (things we don't want to think about)
-Unacceptable Feelings (things we don’t want to feel or are ashamed of feeling)
Denial, as one of the most primitive and basic psychological defense mechansims can also be thought of as the "root cause"-- to use phrase popular on the left-- of most of the other defenses. All have an element of basic denial, or the avoidance of reality, for the purpose of blocking out something unpleasant for the individual using them. For example, denial can go to college (intellectualization); it can make the person experiencing it feel virtuous by transforming the denier into the object or victim of the unacceptable feelings--instead of its subject (projection and in extreme cases, paranoia). It can grossly distort the reality to serve some internal need (distortion); It can even completely ignore causality, and the real issue and displace all that intense affect onto something or someone much less threatening (displacement).
We see elements of all these other defenses at work in just the brief utterance quoted above. But Mr. Upton is not alone in his denial, because that defense along with all the various and assorted immature and dysfunctional ways of coping with a disturbing reality have become the hallmarks of the political left and the Democratic Party.
One of the strategies we use in psychiatry to deal with denial--and other psychological processes that are counterproductive and dangerous over the long-term-- is to make the unconscious or partly conscious process or dynamic become fully conscious. When confronted with reality, it then becomes a choice for the individual to continue to live in denial; or to finally confront reality and do what is necessary. Strategies to do this can be found in this series of posts.
The 5th anniversay of 9/11 is an excellent time to aggressively confront the rampant, dysfunction psychological denial that continues to undermine and sabotoge the ongoing war against the Islamic totalitarians, who want nothing less than our total submission or our death.
Those in denial about this reality are well on their way to total submission; particularly since they have willingly compromised or completely sacrificed their minds to delusion and fantasy.
Or, as Mark Steyn puts it today: "...it's never a good idea to put reality up for grabs. There may come a time when you need it."
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