Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Even as the body count drops in the Qana incident and questions arise as to whether or not the entire episode was staged by Hezbollah --in yet another propaganda triumph for the cowardly, murdering Islamic terrorists-- it seems that world opinion depends soley on the crude manipulation of the MSM and is completely cut off from truth or reality.

This scenario brings out all the doomsayers, who, anguished by guilt, are unable to see how their own decency is deliberately and cynically being used against them. Since when should we believe anything that chronic liars tell us?

This all makes me very upset and angry. And when I get upset and angry, I begin to sing--or at least rearrange the words from classic oldies in a perverted semblance of song:


(stolen from the wonderful Monty Python song "Every Sperm Is Sacred")

There are Jews in the world.
There are Buddhists.
There are Hindus and Mormons, and then
There are Catholics that worship the Pope in Rome, but
We've never been one of them.

We are Islamic fanatics,
And have been since before we were born,
And those who prepare future martyrs:
Snatch your soul as soon as you're warm.

You see

We can't win with weapons or valor.
We're really not good in a fight.
But we surely know propaganda
And each child's death makes our future bright!


Every child's for jihad.
Every child can die.
When you're sacrificed for Allah,
It makes the infidels cry.

Every child's expendable.
Every child's a shield.
Every child's untimely demise,
Is the most potent weapon we wield.

While infidels practice restraint
For the good of Allah we breed.
Every child we make is a soldier of god
And that's how jihad will succeed

Every baby's expendable.
Every baby's a shield.
Every baby's untimely demise,
Is the most potent weapon we wield.

Hindu, Taoist, Mormon,
Love their children much more than we do,
But Allah loves those who worship death,
And our children can help kill the Jew.

Every child's expendable.
Every child's a shield.
Every child's untimely demise,
Is the most potent weapon we wield

Every child's for jihad.
Every child can die.
When you're sacrificed for Allah,
It makes the infidels cry.

Every child is useful.
Every child can die.
For the glory of dear Allah
We'll never question why.

Let the infidel spill their tears
For our children, we don't mind.
Allah smites them down with guilt for us--
And we win when they are kind.

Every child's expendable.
Every child's a shield.
Every child's untimely demise,
Is the most potent weapon we wield.

Every child's expendable.
Every child's a shield.
Every child's untimely demise,
Is the most potent weapon we wield.

UPDATE: Vanderleun is more poetic and beautifully stark about the weaponization of children.

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