Saturday, April 15, 2006


Blogger (@#%$*&) has been down for most of the day for me, and just came back a few minutes ago. However, blogging will be light anyway because I am working on the Carnival of the Insanities (which takes quite a bit of time to organize) and am finishing up Part III of the Strategies for Dealing With Denial (Part I , Part II). I am also trying to get ready for company for Easter Sunday!

My inbox is filled with people asking me to comment on this article, and I can certainly understand why. It is rare to have such a perfect example of severe and malignant narcissism written up in such detail outside the medical literature. I think the article speaks for itself. It is almost impossible to read what some of the people quoted in it have to say without being completely stunned by the self-absorbed, self-deluded rage expressed at the world for daring to be different from what it ought to be. These people have more in common with the arrogant imam I discussed here; who said with complete sincerity, " Reality is a mistake, we must rectify it."

How dare reality not conform to their feelings!

This is pure, unadulterated narcissistic rage. One quote is quite telling:
"Rage, rage against the Lying of the Right" is the subtitle of O'Connor's Web site.

"If I can't rant, I don't want to be part of your revolution" is how she signs her comments, in the place other people might write "Sincerely."

"I was not like this before," she says. "I was riddled with empathy for everyone suffering in the world. Classic bleeding-heart liberal."

Or, how about this gem:
"I feel like I'm being molested everytime I hear his voice," one person writes on the Daily Kos Web site while watching a Bush news conference.

At any rate, to say more would be a waste of time. The left uses the blogsphere as therapy, but they might be better off if they went to a professional to try and understand the hate inside--and what it means about them.

If you want to explore the issue of narcissism and society--discussing both the "rage" and "awe" variants--you can check out my previous series which is here.

Our lady of the riddled empathy is a perfect example of someone who likely for a very long time convinced herself into believing that she was a loving, tolerant, and compassionate person. Of course, she blames Bush because she's become a raving lunatic. I submit she was likely always what she is now; but her ideology helped her to hide it from the world under the mask of wanting to help people (for their own good, of course). When thwarted, the mask slips and the hidden tyrant rushes out.

Moving on to a more important topic, I think Chester's analysis of the Iranian situation is definitely worth a read. I especially liked the dicussion of how the Iranians feel they don't get no respect:
"Respect" is an abstract concept that needs to be made tangible if it is going to be part of a deal. So, like good negotiators, the Americans inevitably ask, "What do you mean by respect?" Typically, the Iranians cannot define what respect would be, but they are full of illustrations of disrespectful American behavior that would have to end for Iran to be willing to accept a Grand Bargain. For instance, the Iranians never fail to observe that saying that Iran was part of an "Axis of Evil" was disrespectful. The sanctions are disrespectful. Criticizing the (flagrantly rigged) February 2004 Majles elections for being flagrantly rigged was disrespectful. Any criticism of Iran's internal affairs, such as its kangaroo-court judicial procedures and its arrest of political dissidents on ridiculous charges, is disrespectful. A senator calling Iran the world's worst terrorist state is disrespectful. American newspapers writing articles about problems in the Iranian economy is disrespectful. The State Department stating that Iran supports terrorism rather than acknowledging that Iran is a victim of terrorism (both of which are true) is disrespectful. Claiming that Iran is harboring Al-Qaida personnel is disrespectful. I have personally heard every one of those statements made by Iranians in response to my question as to what "respect" means . . .

This strange attitude on their part about wanting to be respected is difficult for the Western mind to appreciate. In shame cultures (discussed here), respect is not something that necessarily has to be earned; what is important is the shame, and resultant loss of honor, if someone believes you don't deserve it. In such cultures having others believe that you are worthy of respect and honor is actually more important than actually being worthy of respect and honor.

Realistically, we have been at war with Iran since the Iran-Hostage Crisis that began in Carter's term and ended shortly after Reagan became president. We even have one of the hostage-takers from that time now as the president of Iran. He, at least, has no doubts that we are enemies; and probably hasn't for the last 25 years.

I will be posting the Carnival in the morning then taking a break until Easter festivities are over. Happy Easter to all who celebrate it!

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