The courageous editors selected the portrait of the Virgin Mary painted with elephant dung to demonstrate their dedication to truth, justice, and free speech.
Did I mention how brave they were?
Meanwhile, at Real Clear Politics, Thomas Lifson takes the "antique" media to task:
Perhaps it is time we re-evaluated Charlie Chaplin’s famous movie The Great Dictator, which mercilessly and insensitively mocked Adolf Hitler. At the time of its theatrical release in 1940, millions of Germans worshipped Der Fuhrer with religious passion, and the United States enjoyed peaceful, if strained relations with Germany. The pain which many Nazis must have felt at seeing their beloved leader denigrated and made to look ridiculous must have been searing.
If sensitivity to the spiritual feelings of believers in great leaders were the real criterion by which media gatekeepers decided what to publish and broadcast, then Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ would never have been seen, and universal media condemnation would have greeted the theatrical release of The Last Temptation of Christ.
Let’s be honest about the current sudden new respect the antique media exhibit toward religion.
It is physical intimidation which is at the heart of the media’s new-found principle of tender sensitivity to the feelings of certain religious believers. The assassination of Theo Van Gogh sent a message loud and clear to everyone contemplating a critical look at Islam or Muhammad. For all their brave talk of speaking truth to power, most people in the media with established careers, families, and lives will sacrifice principle to save themselves from possible harm or death.
If our brave media really believed in "speaking truth to power" they would be out there on the front lines of the cartoon jihad telling the radical islamists where they can stick their feigned outrage.
But real working motto of the MSM is "speaking truth to power when it is safe and politically correct".
Nothing seems to halt their reckless attacks on the Bush Administration's every action or inaction (even national security or basic common sense); or from exposing in great and minute detail their belief in that the obvious religious fanatic Bush will iminently impose a religious theocracy or fascist state here in America.
And at the same time they are absolutely terrified to confront the blatant thuggery and mindless, violent bigotry of Islam. This is very sensitive and--did I mention brave?-- of them, indeed.
When confronted with the real evil in our time, the brave brave New York Times and most of the rest of the MSM bravely run away.
The following excerpts from a Monty Python script have not been altered in order to illustrate the mettle and backbone of
MINSTREL: [singing]
Bravely bold Sir Robin rode forth from Camelot.
He was not afraid to die, O brave Sir Robin.
He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways,
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin!
MINSTREL: [singing]
Brave Sir Robin ran away,
MINSTREL: [singing]
Bravely ran away, away.
I didn't!
MINSTREL: [singing]
When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled.
MINSTREL: [singing]
Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about
I didn't!
MINSTREL: [singing]
And gallantly, he chickened out. Bravely taking to his feet,
I never did!
MINSTREL: [singing]
He beat a very brave retreat,
All lies!
MINSTREL: [singing]
Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin.
I never!
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