Friday, November 04, 2005

The Mark of the MSM


Cori Dauber at Rantingprofs commenting on this story followed by Michelle Malkin:

If I were a representative of the mainstream press, the fact that soldiers were going off to war leaving behind insurance papers, wills, and letters to be released to the press in case their feelings about the war were misrepresented in the event of their deaths would really hit me hard. Everyone said that all the mutual distrust that had grown up between the military and the press over Vietnam and since Vietnam (wherever you lay blame for that) had been, to a large part, erased thanks to the embedding of journalists during the combat phase.

Clearly the honeymoon's over.
Emphasis mine.

Cori's statement (especially the sentence highlighted) did hit me hard. With all the worries and responsibilities of the modern soldier, can you just imagine having to leave a letter behind to make sure you are not misrepresented in the event of your death in the American press?

It is an eloquent statement of how disgustingly low the MSM has sunk in their tireless efforts to undermine the Iraq war.

Others are dying for our freedom, and this is the "mark" the mainstream media chooses to make.

UPDATE: I almost forgot to mention that the "moral authority" of Cpl Starr's family should at least be as great as Mama Sheehan's, shouldn't it? Shouldn't it? Anyone?....

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