Sunday, July 17, 2005

Carnival of the Insanities

Image hosted by Time for the weekly insanity udate, where the insane, the bizarre, the ridiculous, and the completely absurd are highlighted for all to see! This has been a week of rare idiocy (as always!). Calling all bloggers! Be sure to send in your entries to the Carnival, which will be posted every Sunday. Entries need to be in by 8 pm on Saturday to make their way into the list that week. This week we have a record number of insanities thanks to all the submissions and the way the world turns. SO MANY INSANITIES! SO LITTLE TIME!

1. Terrorists just wanna have fun.

2 The debasement of women serving in the United States military at Gitmo? Give me a f***ing break, please.

3. Crooks and Liars and Morons, Oh My!

4. The latest in automobile satellite radio technology!

5. Homer Simpson is right about donuts--they can do anything!

6. Just a few "minor" errors from Juan Cole via Tim Blair.

7. How to trick a liberal.

8. I find it hard to believe the Olympics prefers this sport over Baseball or Softball. It's inexplicable!

9. Sometimes you can be too environmentally friendly.

10. This could be described as genocide in the insect world. Pretty awful.Watch the entire video.

11. Too bad he's not available instead of Oliver Stone.

12. Now where would they get the bizarre idea that multiculturalism was failing??? Imagine that.

13. A real innovation in bicycle design.

14. So this is what it will take to get the blue states to support the WOT! I didn't realize....

15. This is the kind of controlled demolition that is taking down the brains of the apologists for mass murder.

16. Oh yes, this was a perfectly understandable mistake. Any journalist could have made it.

17. No IFS, ANDS, or BUTTS

18. Multiple Mentality finds very little gray in the DU cesspool after the London Bombings.

19. Stuck in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi? What a horrible thought!

20 As seen on Al-Jazeera. Really!

21. Did you know that racism is OK as long as it come from the Left?

22. As if we needed more proof after watching the the Tour de France.

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