Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Mocking the Minions of the Left's Intellectual Elite

Mike Adams, academic provocateur, and author of Welcome to the Ivory Tower of Babel, has a great column on the fundamental illogic and idiocy of academics and the students who love them: "Life, Liberty and the Avoidance of Reality":

University administrators, professors, and student newspapers are becoming so detached from reality that one can hardly write satire about university life. Nor can one muster the sarcasm necessary to give these people the ridicule they deserve.

For example, I recently mocked the editors of UNC-Wilmington's student newspaper, The Seahawk, for wanting Christian organizations to sign a non-discrimination clause that would clearly trump constitutionally protected freedoms of religious expression. I jokingly suggested that the paper believes that "students who believe that rape and pedophilia are good must be allowed to join, vote, and hold office in a Christian fraternity."

Unfortunately, The Seahawk missed the sarcasm and gave this serious two-word answer: "They should." They even explained their position:

"The one incontrovertible legal point at the center of the Alpha Iota Omega debate is that AIO is an official student organization, funded by student fees. And, thank God - no pun intended - it's University policy that organizations funded by student fees should be open to all students, without discrimination of any kind. End of story."

The quote you just read shows why a university without a journalism school or a law school should not publish a student newspaper offering legal opinions. In the lawsuit filed by AIO against UNC, the Christians won an injunction against the school, just weeks before the Seahawk editorial was published. So much for that "one incontrovertible legal point."

Read Adams' entire takedown. Dealing with the parrots (er...I mean students) of the elite Leftest professoriate is roughly equivalent to shooting babelfish in a barrel. They are no match against Adams, because they haven't learned to think despite all (or maybe because of?) the carefully crafted courses offered up to them by the intellectual heroes of the Left (e.g., luminaries like Ward Churchill).

I bet you thought your kids were going to college to prepare themselves for Life. Well, they are. Life as the mindless minions of the Left.

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