Time for the weekly insanity udate, where the insane, the bizarre, the ridiculous, and the completely absurd are highlighted for all to see! This has been a week of rare idiocy (as always!). Calling all bloggers! Be sure to send in your entries to the Carnival, which will be posted every Sunday. Entries need to be in by 8 pm on Saturday to make their way into the list that week. This week we have a record number of insanities thanks to all the submissions and the way the world turns. SO MANY INSANITIES! SO LITTLE TIME!
1. Desperately seeking confirmation for their ridiculous assertion. I don't think they'll find it among rational people.
2. Definitely off the deep end. (New Democrat motto: "Hitting bottom and digging!)
3. No, really??
4. Senator Dick writes some letters.
5. It ain't easy reading her, either. So we're even.
6. A proclomation of amnesty...to Europeans.
7. Liberal blog ascendency? Wishful thinking.
8. A triumph for Triumph the talking dog. It's cruel to poor Michael Jackson and his fans, but incredibly funny. You could call it "wacko for Jacko".
9. Besides, Michael holds the solution to the Gitmo prisoners!
10. And once they've moved the detainees the way is open for this great idea!
11. "Moonbat" is too gentle a term for this idiot.
12. Please donate to save this poor woman!
13. Multiple Mentality weighs in on the latest dressmaking fashions. Beware!
14. I still can't stop laughing at this bit of journalistic integrity foisted on the trusting American public.
15. The true horror of American torture--exposed for all to see!
16. High motility, low fidelity. It's amazing what they do studies on, isn't it?
17. The 50 Worse hair styles of all time. No kidding.
18. Better cover her back, boys.
19. A little closer, please? Just a little closer.
20. Who do they think they are? Sean Penn or something?. Unbelievable, really. (New Democratic Motto: "Hitting rock bottom and pushing off into deep space")
21. And we should take a reporter's word for this because....? Especially, after all they've done to earn our trust lately.
22. Hitler, Hitler everywhere. Left and Right.
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