Monday, September 13, 2004

Vietnam Veterans Against Kerry

American Daughter has a good summary with pictures of the "Kerry Lied" Veterans Against Kerry Rally in Washington D.C. yesterday. Here is what one of the speakers at the rally had to say:

"Kerry already made his choices....In choosing how to relate and react to the circumstances in which he found himself--in choosing how to relate and react to the Vietnam War--Kerry created his identity and defined himself as a man lacking character, integrity, and moral courage."

Check it out. It will give you some perspective.


  1. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Destroyer of Worlds, you cann't spell.

  2. Anonymous6:43 AM

    That appears to be the least of his problems.

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    any one who uses the handle "Destroyer of Worlds" is obviously a sicko.......

  4. For the first time in 30 years, Destroyer of Worlds make me ashamed to be a Libertarian.

  5. As a Libertarian I believe that the one true function of government is defense. Thus, I prefer Bush's foreign policy which I believe is the only way to deal with Terrorism. I regard Terrorism as THE most important issue of our time and wll vote accordingly.

    Also, my site administrator is instructed to eliminate all posts that go beyond the point of reasonable discussion and use abusive language. I don't mind your disagreeing with me, but keep it clean.


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