OK. This is the insane black hole into which the Dems have been pulled by their paranoid delusions: They are now trying to show how despicable George Bush is by showing a photo of him presumably committing a foul in (of all sports) rugby! I was closely connected to a UCLA Rugby team in the 70's. It is a fast, violent, no-holds barred football, played with none of the padding or helmets. Putting aside the fact that yesterday, the Left was saying that "George Bush Lied" about playing Rugby at Yale (I kid you not); today they claim he played it so viciously, breaking multiple rules at a time, that he is obviously a sociopath (see here, here and here, for example, and there is much more available to anyone who wants to look).
WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THESE PEOPLE? Are they so desperate to find something, ANYTHING that will prove their delusion is real that they would stoop to such cow manure? Nevermind. I've answered my own question at least a dozen times in this blog.
This is part of the "bait and switch" tactics the Kerry supporters are using to defend against the very real possibility that their own candidate has been lying about some aspects of his Vietnam record. I encountered it in a comment section yesterday that was discussing Kerry's Cambodia statements (scroll down a bit and you'll see where Bush is called a "pathological liar" for saying he played varsity rugby).
So, the upshot of all this is that the Dems clearly believe that if you commit a penalty during college sports then you should be ineligible to be President If you want several other reasonable explanations for the picture, go here, but its like trying to talk a paranoid schizophrenic out of his delusion--if you should manage it, he'll just replace it with another equally bizarre one.
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