Sunday, August 08, 2004

How Can This Man Be Trusted?

Here is yet another example of Kerry's habitual duplicity: (from Hugh Hewitt)

"On July 12, 2002, John Kerry, along with other members of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation, signed a letter to the Massachusetts state legislature that unequivocally denounced the attempt to amend the Massachusetts constitution to limit marriage to one man and one woman.
That letter read in part: "We believe it would be a grave error for Massachusetts to enshrine in our Constitution a provision which would have such a negative effect on so many of our fellow residents." The letter is detailed in a
USA Today story from February 11 of this year that noted that Kerry did not sign a similar letter this year when Congressman Barney Frank organized a second effort to rally Bay State Congressional support against a Massachusetts constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.
Kerry went further than refusing to sign a second letter. In February of this year, Kerry announced support for an amendment banning same sex marriage in Massachusetts, and this week Kerry told the Kansas City Star that he would have voted for the Missouri amendment that limited marriage to one man and one woman which passed overwhelmingly on Tuesday, 71% to 29%."

This is now such a documented behavioral pattern for Senator Kerry, that it is simple to conclude he has at the very least a very serious characterological flaw and at worse, a personality disorder. It doesn't matter if you are pro-gay marriage or anti-gay marriage. Ask yourself, "Can this man be trusted?" It is one thing to change one's mind, rationally convinced of the arguments to do so. But this is a man whose mind is not anchored to anything and can be moved by the currents and eddies of the particular moment.

His soul is a tabula rasa onto which anyone can project his or her beliefs. He is FOR and AGAINST the Vietnam war; he is FOR/AGAINST the Iraq war; he is FOR/AGAINST the war on terror; he is FOR/AGAINST gay marriage; The only thing we know for sure is that he is definitely FOR John Kerry.

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