Time for the weekly insanity update, where the insane, the bizarre, the ridiculous, and the completely absurd are highlighted for all to see! This has been a week of rare idiocy (as always!). So, if you want to remain sane, the best thing is to poke some fun at the more egregious absurdities.
DURING MY BLOGGING HIATUS, I WILL CONTINUE TO POST THE CARNIVAL EVERY SUNDAY! So keep those entries coming in, and try to get them to me by Saturday. If you have questions, go here before submitting an entry. You can also submit an entry via Blog Carnival.
Try to make it funny, ironic, or clearly insane, people...I get a lot of "self-help" stuff that doesn't seem particularly funny or even ironic to me--and, if it doesn't seem that way to me, then its likely it won't be included-- unless it just happens to fit in with one of the COTI themes for the week.
Also, a link back to the Carnival if your submitted post is included would be appreciated...and some extremely harsh penalties await those who do not comply with this simple and reasonable request!
1. Maybe you can make Allah kebobs out of it to celebrate Islamic 'Human Rights' Day? Allah knows they are so very tolerant....and persistent!
2. You just can make this stuff up...except in Arab and Islamic countries, of course. Has anybody seen his Gays? Mother from hell likely going there soon...though not soon enough.
3. Things the MSM doesn't want you to know about Iraq (what they DO want you to know). Things Obama doesn't want you to know about Iraq. Things the politically correct don't want you to know about terrorism.
4. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. And we saw his glory. Looking for salvation in all the wrong places? Really sensitive about religion. The Obama campaign is an insanity that just keeps on giving!
5. The audacity of arrogance. Really incredible arrogance. But then, we keep seeing that, don't we? Maybe we are looking for President Hasselhoff? "Ich bin ein.....con artist?"
6. Surge Purge? Storm surge not working because HE controls the oceans....in some bizzaro world, perhaps. That's not the image of a bat...it's a "W"!! (Actually, go see this movie and decide for yourself--I had the same reaction as the author when I saw it).
7. Two families for the two Americas he talks about. Rejected by the NY Times! But turnabout is fair play.
8. OMG! Bloggers have opinions??? Who knew? Or that the political left demands conformity! (even as it preaches "diversity")
9. Why would they want educated pets? Krazy Kats Kan get you Kommitted.
10. Remind me never to move back to California.
11. An exercise in cultural cussing idioms......The "N" word....and the "A", "B", "C" etc etc words too!
12. NASA, flush with success , seems to have teamed up with these morons....certainly aliens have visited space.
13. Whiskers of glory? Give me a break. They love it on an abstract level, but they're not in love with it.
14. Little known fact about vacations and rain. Even therapists need some fun.
15. Memin Pinguin? Never heard of him. Wealthy... for all the good it does them.
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
If you would like to Join the insanity, and add the Carnival of the Insanities button to your sidebar (clicking on it will always take you to the latest update of the Carnival), click on "Word of Blog" below the button to obtain the html code:
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Time for the weekly insanity update, where the insane, the bizarre, the ridiculous, and the completely absurd are highlighted for all to see! This has been a week of rare idiocy (as always!). So, if you want to remain sane, the best thing is to poke some fun at the more egregious absurdities.
DURING MY BLOGGING HIATUS, I WILL CONTINUE TO POST THE CARNIVAL EVERY SUNDAY! So keep those entries coming in, and try to get them to me by Saturday. If you have questions, go here before submitting an entry. You can also submit an entry via Blog Carnival.
Try to make it funny, ironic, or clearly insane, people...I get a lot of "self-help" stuff that doesn't seem particularly funny or even ironic to me--and, if it doesn't seem that way to me, then its likely it won't be included-- unless it just happens to fit in with one of the COTI themes for the week.
Also, a link back to the Carnival if your submitted post is included would be appreciated...and some extremely harsh penalties await those who do not comply with this simple and reasonable request!
1. "Indifferent to the war's outcome"-- Ya think??? Just the facts (or not)....Facts are obsolete. Afghanistan is the 'good war' for the left, but it's just a matter of time. First we still need a plan to lose in Iraq.
2. KFC as an indisputable sign of progress...yummm.
3. More insanity from the left's Guantanamo follies. They're alljihadis victims now as well as mass murderers. Heil Hezbullah.
4. Oh dear. Now we've insulted Muslims again. He's right, the Christian faith insults Muslims. I mean, let's face it, our very existence seems to insult them.
5. Now they're insulting housewives! How dare they!! Americans are far to stupid to understand, so satire and humor must be avoided at all costs. Here's something for all the irony-challenged leftists (or is that irony-deficient leftists?) Cartoons for the perpetually offended.
6. Comedians in love....ahhhhhhhhh.
7. The magical nuts of Obama. OK, I know that wasn't on the list.... Here is a great O joke contest--none of which would make the list
8. Do you have an Urge to Purge that Surge? Or how about purging everything you were wrong about? History is malleable, after all.
9. Out, out damned spot
10. The historical subtext of man and politics.
11. Isn't this interesting? I guess that old 'psychology' thing Bush was talking about is already starting to work... but clearly it's just a hoax according to the wise (and psychologically clueless) Pelosi.
12. Narcissism run amok. Even the shrinks are getting sarcastic about it.
13. Further evidence of the banality of evil. Not to mention the banality of a college 'education'.
14. Stop the destruction of our environment! Drill, Drill, Drill! The great vegetarian conspiracy and the enemies of freedom.
15. Oh happy day! And in many ways Republicans and Democrats are much the same: failure is not an option; so hold your nose, get drunk and vote 4 McCain! Heh heh.
16. The latest beach fashions. Must be some form of anti-Japanese guerilla-style art or something.
17. Are you a 'chav'? Are you bugged? Do you traumatize your infant?
18. Too cruel to the poor donkey? Asstounding. You will be healed if only you believe! And there are beliefs we can believe in right here!
19. Ward Cleaver had some good advice for all such situations.
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
If you would like to Join the insanity, and add the Carnival of the Insanities button to your sidebar (clicking on it will always take you to the latest update of the Carnival), click on "Word of Blog" below the button to obtain the html code:
DURING MY BLOGGING HIATUS, I WILL CONTINUE TO POST THE CARNIVAL EVERY SUNDAY! So keep those entries coming in, and try to get them to me by Saturday. If you have questions, go here before submitting an entry. You can also submit an entry via Blog Carnival.
Try to make it funny, ironic, or clearly insane, people...I get a lot of "self-help" stuff that doesn't seem particularly funny or even ironic to me--and, if it doesn't seem that way to me, then its likely it won't be included-- unless it just happens to fit in with one of the COTI themes for the week.
Also, a link back to the Carnival if your submitted post is included would be appreciated...and some extremely harsh penalties await those who do not comply with this simple and reasonable request!
1. "Indifferent to the war's outcome"-- Ya think??? Just the facts (or not)....Facts are obsolete. Afghanistan is the 'good war' for the left, but it's just a matter of time. First we still need a plan to lose in Iraq.
2. KFC as an indisputable sign of progress...yummm.
3. More insanity from the left's Guantanamo follies. They're all
4. Oh dear. Now we've insulted Muslims again. He's right, the Christian faith insults Muslims. I mean, let's face it, our very existence seems to insult them.
5. Now they're insulting housewives! How dare they!! Americans are far to stupid to understand, so satire and humor must be avoided at all costs. Here's something for all the irony-challenged leftists (or is that irony-deficient leftists?) Cartoons for the perpetually offended.
6. Comedians in love....ahhhhhhhhh.
7. The magical nuts of Obama. OK, I know that wasn't on the list.... Here is a great O joke contest--none of which would make the list
8. Do you have an Urge to Purge that Surge? Or how about purging everything you were wrong about? History is malleable, after all.
9. Out, out damned spot
10. The historical subtext of man and politics.
11. Isn't this interesting? I guess that old 'psychology' thing Bush was talking about is already starting to work... but clearly it's just a hoax according to the wise (and psychologically clueless) Pelosi.
12. Narcissism run amok. Even the shrinks are getting sarcastic about it.
13. Further evidence of the banality of evil. Not to mention the banality of a college 'education'.
14. Stop the destruction of our environment! Drill, Drill, Drill! The great vegetarian conspiracy and the enemies of freedom.
15. Oh happy day! And in many ways Republicans and Democrats are much the same: failure is not an option; so hold your nose, get drunk and vote 4 McCain! Heh heh.
16. The latest beach fashions. Must be some form of anti-Japanese guerilla-style art or something.
17. Are you a 'chav'? Are you bugged? Do you traumatize your infant?
18. Too cruel to the poor donkey? Asstounding. You will be healed if only you believe! And there are beliefs we can believe in right here!
19. Ward Cleaver had some good advice for all such situations.
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
If you would like to Join the insanity, and add the Carnival of the Insanities button to your sidebar (clicking on it will always take you to the latest update of the Carnival), click on "Word of Blog" below the button to obtain the html code:
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Time for the weekly insanity update, where the insane, the bizarre, the ridiculous, and the completely absurd are highlighted for all to see! This has been a week of rare idiocy (as always!). So, if you want to remain sane, the best thing is to poke some fun at the more egregious absurdities.
DURING MY BLOGGING HIATUS, I WILL CONTINUE TO POST THE CARNIVAL EVERY SUNDAY! So keep those entries coming in, and try to get them to me by Saturday. If you have questions, go here before submitting an entry. You can also submit an entry via Blog Carnival.
Try to make it funny, ironic, or clearly insane, people...I get a lot of "self-help" stuff that doesn't seem particularly funny or even ironic to me--and, if it doesn't seem that way to me, then its likely it won't be included-- unless it just happens to fit in with one of the COTI themes for the week.
Also, a link back to the Carnival if your submitted post is included would be appreciated...and some extremely harsh penalties await those who do not comply with this simple and reasonable request!
1. You mean the Iranians...lie???? (gasp!) But I'm sure we can trust them. Let's talk! Paper tiger...or Iranzilla! Iranian fauxtography to the nth degree.
2. Maybe this is what they actually meantabout wiping Israel from the map? It an Osamanation!
3. Not the 'Story of the Year' anymore. Yawwwwwwwn.
4. Isn't it amazing how many missiles hit 'wedding parties'--just like tornadoes hit trailer parks?
5. Glowbama. Another day, another halo. Did you help him snag the nomination?? He did stay in a Holiday Inn Express more than once, however.
6. It's more an 'ignorance' watch than a messiah watch, though Case in point.
7. Ten Reasons Jews should vote Obama. Heh. Losing hope? How about a unifying testes excision or, is his manhood in danger?
8. Who says socialism doesn't work? Clearly it works for someone. Single party government hell....
9. "How dare you call us whiners," they whined. Let's stop all those racist babies! Nip it in the bud.
10. Finally some serious research on global warming! Meanwhile, NASA confronts the dreaded 'black hole' problem that afflicts the planet.
11. The globally-warmed generation? Globally stupid, more like. Goin' Green! But be careful or you might catch this disease. Here he comes to save the day!
12. The end of Britain? Not with a bang, but....
13. A new kind of hair tonic.
14. Is a college degree worth anything these days? Probably not much more than a pet....although they can be pretty expensive too. And very tasty.
15. Brains and brawn finally come together.
16. Confess! Girls just wanna have fun ...or something like that....don't they?
17. When the UFO hits your eye like a big pizza pie....
18. A class act all the way. Which is more than you can say for many of his colleagues. RIP, Tony.
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
If you would like to Join the insanity, and add the Carnival of the Insanities button to your sidebar (clicking on it will always take you to the latest update of the Carnival), click on "Word of Blog" below the button to obtain the html code:
DURING MY BLOGGING HIATUS, I WILL CONTINUE TO POST THE CARNIVAL EVERY SUNDAY! So keep those entries coming in, and try to get them to me by Saturday. If you have questions, go here before submitting an entry. You can also submit an entry via Blog Carnival.
Try to make it funny, ironic, or clearly insane, people...I get a lot of "self-help" stuff that doesn't seem particularly funny or even ironic to me--and, if it doesn't seem that way to me, then its likely it won't be included-- unless it just happens to fit in with one of the COTI themes for the week.
Also, a link back to the Carnival if your submitted post is included would be appreciated...and some extremely harsh penalties await those who do not comply with this simple and reasonable request!
1. You mean the Iranians...lie???? (gasp!) But I'm sure we can trust them. Let's talk! Paper tiger...or Iranzilla! Iranian fauxtography to the nth degree.
2. Maybe this is what they actually meantabout wiping Israel from the map? It an Osamanation!
3. Not the 'Story of the Year' anymore. Yawwwwwwwn.
4. Isn't it amazing how many missiles hit 'wedding parties'--just like tornadoes hit trailer parks?
5. Glowbama. Another day, another halo. Did you help him snag the nomination?? He did stay in a Holiday Inn Express more than once, however.
6. It's more an 'ignorance' watch than a messiah watch, though Case in point.
7. Ten Reasons Jews should vote Obama. Heh. Losing hope? How about a unifying testes excision or, is his manhood in danger?
8. Who says socialism doesn't work? Clearly it works for someone. Single party government hell....
9. "How dare you call us whiners," they whined. Let's stop all those racist babies! Nip it in the bud.
10. Finally some serious research on global warming! Meanwhile, NASA confronts the dreaded 'black hole' problem that afflicts the planet.
11. The globally-warmed generation? Globally stupid, more like. Goin' Green! But be careful or you might catch this disease. Here he comes to save the day!
12. The end of Britain? Not with a bang, but....
13. A new kind of hair tonic.
14. Is a college degree worth anything these days? Probably not much more than a pet....although they can be pretty expensive too. And very tasty.
15. Brains and brawn finally come together.
16. Confess! Girls just wanna have fun ...or something like that....don't they?
17. When the UFO hits your eye like a big pizza pie....
18. A class act all the way. Which is more than you can say for many of his colleagues. RIP, Tony.
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
If you would like to Join the insanity, and add the Carnival of the Insanities button to your sidebar (clicking on it will always take you to the latest update of the Carnival), click on "Word of Blog" below the button to obtain the html code:
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Time for the weekly insanity update, where the insane, the bizarre, the ridiculous, and the completely absurd are highlighted for all to see! This has been a week of rare idiocy (as always!). So, if you want to remain sane, the best thing is to poke some fun at the more egregious absurdities.
DURING MY BLOGGING HIATUS, I WILL CONTINUE TO POST THE CARNIVAL EVERY SUNDAY! So keep those entries coming in, and try to get them to me by Saturday. If you have questions, go here before submitting an entry. You can also submit an entry via Blog Carnival.
Try to make it funny, ironic, or clearly insane, people...I get a lot of "self-help" stuff that doesn't seem particularly funny or even ironic to me--and, if it doesn't seem that way to me, then its likely it won't be included-- unless it just happens to fit in with one of the COTI themes for the week.
Also, a link back to the Carnival if your submitted post is included would be appreciated...and some extremely harsh penalties await those who do not comply with this simple and reasonable request!
1. Iranian paranoia and delusion for all to see. Iranian oppression for all to [not]see (BTW, here's Mrs. A in a less discrete moment and here's her puppy--see #5). You've got to wonder why the Code Pinkos aren't vehemently protesting the humiliation of women by an evil regime...oh wait! They're way too busy humiliating themselves.
2. Al Jazeera: "a crusader for truth in the murky mass of Zionist influenced media ? Yeah right. That's rich.
3. These pathetic villains are now down to "Plan C". They can't win as long as there are those who stand up to them.
4. Living in agangster's paradise Muslim fantasy.
5. Yawn. More Muslim outrage ,,,can you say, "idiocy"? Politically incorrect, I know, but this sort of thing makes me want to go out and buy a dog and bring it to the University. Let's really generate some rage by suggesting that this fashion company design a burka ....
6. TouCHE ! What a bunch of stupid douCHE bags they are in FARC... Video w/ translation. Paranoia and delusion on the left (typical).
7. Buyer's remorse sets in....but he's just trying to win... friends and influence people. That's not a smear, that's reality. Who is actually smearing whom? It's a little Obamachiavelliesque, don't you think?
8. Here's a motivational poster to help all the lefty bloggers in a tizzy because He ain't really the Messiah after all. But he'll do for these losers. A cult is born ...a man for all seasonings.
9. The end of conservatism? Somebody better tell Rush.
10. Heh heh. Communist Red tide.
11. If you’re looking for a wife, a girlfriend or if you’re just a misanthropic asshole with a voyeuristic thing for the absurd and the grotesque, THIS SITE IS FOR YOU!!!!!!!
12. Prostitutes hit hardest by rising gas prices! Who knew? Somebody better tell Harry. Meanwhile the speculators in 'Big Peaches' are set to cause fruit prices to skyrocket!
13. Will it be stable and sturdy enough to handle not just the global warming alarmists themselves, but their massive egos, too? Probably not. Clearly, everyone should sacrifice their child for the sake of the whales, right? Babies are only so we can gratify our narcissistic urges to have fun, after all.
14. Progressive 'patriotism', which is to say, no patriotism at all--and proud of it. Frankly, I want a President who puts the country first .....The self-delusion never seems to end with these Bozo's.
15. Our love/hate relationship with clowns.
16. One nation, under YOU! Did you know you can be excommunicated from the Church of Satan for doing bad stuff??? I thought that was the whole point, but even then you get your just desserts.
17. An amazing play...
18. The new kind of vacation.
19. Regarding the imminent homeless problem created by astronomers.
20. Man-boobs can be very nurturing. Is that a Freudianslip bra?
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
If you would like to Join the insanity, and add the Carnival of the Insanities button to your sidebar (clicking on it will always take you to the latest update of the Carnival), click on "Word of Blog" below the button to obtain the html code:
DURING MY BLOGGING HIATUS, I WILL CONTINUE TO POST THE CARNIVAL EVERY SUNDAY! So keep those entries coming in, and try to get them to me by Saturday. If you have questions, go here before submitting an entry. You can also submit an entry via Blog Carnival.
Try to make it funny, ironic, or clearly insane, people...I get a lot of "self-help" stuff that doesn't seem particularly funny or even ironic to me--and, if it doesn't seem that way to me, then its likely it won't be included-- unless it just happens to fit in with one of the COTI themes for the week.
Also, a link back to the Carnival if your submitted post is included would be appreciated...and some extremely harsh penalties await those who do not comply with this simple and reasonable request!
1. Iranian paranoia and delusion for all to see. Iranian oppression for all to [not]see (BTW, here's Mrs. A in a less discrete moment and here's her puppy--see #5). You've got to wonder why the Code Pinkos aren't vehemently protesting the humiliation of women by an evil regime...oh wait! They're way too busy humiliating themselves.
2. Al Jazeera: "a crusader for truth in the murky mass of Zionist influenced media ? Yeah right. That's rich.
3. These pathetic villains are now down to "Plan C". They can't win as long as there are those who stand up to them.
4. Living in a
5. Yawn. More Muslim outrage ,,,can you say, "idiocy"? Politically incorrect, I know, but this sort of thing makes me want to go out and buy a dog and bring it to the University. Let's really generate some rage by suggesting that this fashion company design a burka ....
6. TouCHE ! What a bunch of stupid douCHE bags they are in FARC... Video w/ translation. Paranoia and delusion on the left (typical).
7. Buyer's remorse sets in....but he's just trying to win... friends and influence people. That's not a smear, that's reality. Who is actually smearing whom? It's a little Obamachiavelliesque, don't you think?
8. Here's a motivational poster to help all the lefty bloggers in a tizzy because He ain't really the Messiah after all. But he'll do for these losers. A cult is born ...a man for all seasonings.
9. The end of conservatism? Somebody better tell Rush.
10. Heh heh. Communist Red tide.
11. If you’re looking for a wife, a girlfriend or if you’re just a misanthropic asshole with a voyeuristic thing for the absurd and the grotesque, THIS SITE IS FOR YOU!!!!!!!
12. Prostitutes hit hardest by rising gas prices! Who knew? Somebody better tell Harry. Meanwhile the speculators in 'Big Peaches' are set to cause fruit prices to skyrocket!
13. Will it be stable and sturdy enough to handle not just the global warming alarmists themselves, but their massive egos, too? Probably not. Clearly, everyone should sacrifice their child for the sake of the whales, right? Babies are only so we can gratify our narcissistic urges to have fun, after all.
14. Progressive 'patriotism', which is to say, no patriotism at all--and proud of it. Frankly, I want a President who puts the country first .....The self-delusion never seems to end with these Bozo's.
15. Our love/hate relationship with clowns.
16. One nation, under YOU! Did you know you can be excommunicated from the Church of Satan for doing bad stuff??? I thought that was the whole point, but even then you get your just desserts.
17. An amazing play...
18. The new kind of vacation.
19. Regarding the imminent homeless problem created by astronomers.
20. Man-boobs can be very nurturing. Is that a Freudian
Carnival of the Insanities can also be found at The Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival and at the BlogCarnival.
If you would like to Join the insanity, and add the Carnival of the Insanities button to your sidebar (clicking on it will always take you to the latest update of the Carnival), click on "Word of Blog" below the button to obtain the html code: